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Everything posted by Souli

  1. Manfred. Dishonors the community

    Like you to start this whole QQDrama, that happened, that's over, better luck next Sunayaka
  2. Manfred. Dishonors the community

    I am not him and I wasn't there, just I know that this whole threat is drama.
  3. Manfred. Dishonors the community

    This threat is pure drama, only made to make Manfred a bad person, there is so much hostility angaist him it seems...
  4. Best Godstone for Gunslinger?

    Such a help... May you want silence GS, or a combination of Silence and Para like an assasin would do, or Silence/Para and dammage. On the cannon go with dammage, you won't gonna use it much on PVP
  5. Manfred. Dishonors the community

    I think this is a nonsense drama, as I got know, he fall disconected and lead can hop to a random, and what? There is more oportunity to kill Sunayaka, don't be childs yourself.
  6. Don't froget the wings! My whole kingdom for the wings >////<
  7. Hello, I was wondering if is posible to turn Gelkmaros and Inggison sieges to lv 65, keeping their mithil /ceranium rewards but adding GP for those who like it, I think that Gelkmaros and Inggison have a interesting way to work, making everyone to go to Silentera (or add a portal somewhere to invade enemy land but that can be destroyed as happens to Perchelonin /Theobomos). i do propose this because on future patches Gelk and Inggi are already 65 and it be quite nice see a change on Katlam > Abyss monothony
  8. Hello, I did mess up with a extracting, instead of extracting the chest of the daevenion gear, I extracted the Bloodmark chest piece, it woudn't be a much of a big deal if wasn't because I added this skin on it: Is possible get at least the chest or at least the skin back? Thanks
  9. Disabling PayPal method. Donations.

    Is evident that the people won't gonna use a payment method that they do not trust at all, internet payments are a hit or miss and if you do not have not trust intro a payment method, you won't gonna put your money at risk, if PayPal won't gonna be enabled again, maybe something that people trust would work rather that making them choose something on that never heared about
  10. Disabling PayPal method. Donations.

    Asmo side are 400.000 kinah per coin, I won't discard that they keep rising in a month, I am worried as well, stuff is getting cheaper but some other stuff remain expensive, making hard for people to buy what they need.
  11. Where are the fake xform candies? They were fun to use despite they got no effect. I would like to see them in the server somehow, maybe like a candy sold via food merchant for kinah?
  12. Help

    I can guess luncher file may be corrupted, try to download it again, as well to add it at C:/ or your local disk
  13. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    But if @Aragorn324 is an asmo and is crying for elys... When elys are more way less mercefull than asmos are... ehh...
  14. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Ohh by Azphel shadows... give him a Ely Xform to see if he does do SOMETHING for the Elys...
  15. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    I have facts and experience in a unbalanced server on retail GF, as all servers were ely domain, not blaming you but just puting this for I don't know how many times
  16. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Hehehe, people are lazy and want free stuff, then this version aren't his, I got only 50 GP and because I didn't had the mood, I was on Silus toady most of the time. And yeah, Ely rushed inside and got fort, and even before took one of Gelk forts, GG for them, nice work.
  17. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    So yeah I am a troll because I don't care of 6.0 and I know pretty well how siege buff works. Bravo.
  18. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    So practically same old buff. 100.000 HP per player and ton of resistence.. If admins had keep the elys creation open, nothing would change, except elys would grow till was too late to make a significant change, as new players gotta to get up on gear and people would quit Asmo side because turned boring and creating a circle that feeds itself Boring server -> pepole quit -> less people -> boring server
  19. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Tell that to Elys on Retail Gameforge specially on Alquima that hold Abyss for more than 2 months, like a whole year or two or three.. Siege buff is not new from 6.0, it is very back then like on 4.9 - 5.0, and if you mean a new reworked siege buff, I dobut it will work on this version. I do ask myself: Why you still crying here? You are saying that I do say nonsense but I do know what I am saying very well because I do liked siege and I do understand how they work and their mechanics. So I have the feeling you are merly an ely that always enjoyed their advantage and now wants to keep it because asmos rule and you can hold that reallity. PD: Elys always are more because Aion marketing always had Elys on it, Elys are seen as the "good side" and people tend to go to the "good guys", despite Elys are not in game the good guys they calaim to be (I played both sides actually), also are the ones that the race selection always display, so those people that just press "Enter" , they create an ely and they have 0 idea of how balance on the game is.
  20. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Nobody can force nobody to go to sieges, and we are bad geared as well, we just dominate for few months, not enough to give the whole Asmodia population a Abyss gear. And no sorry, no buff, as I said , Marchutan/Kaisiniel buff does is unfair. Because no ely shows up, there is not a population problem, is a assistence problem like you mention before. And yes I am a veteran Asmodian, all 4 years I played as Asmodian so I do know really well how is beeing on the minor faction (funny enough, even admins says that closing elys creation did not fix the issue, elys are more than asmos) . Gameforge, Alquima/Hellion, Asmodia, I know how is beeing on the weaker side, I know how it takes to get a Abyss gear, elys outnumber asmodian population every siege I can remember, they could rush in any fort and take it because of their sheer numbers, even some elys were complaining that Asmos didn't show up on sieges, making hard for them to get ceranium, oh, and Elys did take almost EVERYTHING on the game, even when box event on MKK, Gameforge didn't add doors on Primum a few weeks later because we canno't get a fort. So yeah, I am splitting out nonsense and I have no facts, despite that I played as the weaker faction (Hard mode beeing Asmodian vs Easy mode of beeing Ely) and I am telling this facts. So yeah.. maybe is time to grow and acept that Ely won't gonna domain for a long time unless they grow up again and lead united.
  21. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Retail Aion: All ely domain (All servers at least on GF) EuroAion: Currently Asmo domain, before it was Ely. I think is Ely ego, is funny, Elys in game are displayed are egoist, and most of them think that they will loose the war very soon. I think that that Ely egoist is displayed on their players, wanting every advantage because they aren't capable, and not letting Asmo even to take a chance when Elys are already dominant
  22. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    4 FREAKING YEARS i have on this game and you call me new, I am literally spliting myself on half with this nonsesne. How to make Ceranium? Easy, go and find a damm Eternal Bastion premade, like 3 cera per run and 32k AP fresh. Hard way, Go to siege, apply to ally, get rank 4 and 1 cera, or go Solo and pray for know where are elys are and get the shit of Rank 1 and get like 4 maravellus Ceranium on 3 forts (A thing that I hardly can get because elys do not show up, they got killed and everytime I target one they are a Xform -or in my case on the best is get Rank 3 and get 1 Ceranium on Katalam and Abyss and I mostly don't care, I just want to score-) Oh and thanks to this server to make ceranium on Tiamaranta hearts and Saruo, oh I did froget... easy part if Ceranium, hard part is AP and is need like what. 10kk AP. And I am going by rough eye and memory, so yeah, what about brag elsewhere? Elys wanna stuff? Move your ass and take forts, Asmos do not get full gear in 1 month because we do domain, we do because elys are lazy. Oh and froget about Marchutan/Kaisiniel broken buff, there is nothing more unfair that having a whole faction full of Xform-like players, I do remember that happening to Asmodia on Hellion on Anoha battle, even I, that I was easy to kill, got a whooping I don't know, 100.000 HP and a lot of resistence, in other words, the buff does only help if is maxed out and is no way chance to defeat the enemy with that buff
  23. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Sorry? I do still with Bloodmark gear, is near impossible to get any cera if you can score on any fort, and I am far, FAR away to get soon a pice of abyss gear. So yeah keep dreaming, Elys do get fort because they aren't capable of making an offensive and that's the sad truth both on Asmodiae when does lose, and Elysea.
  24. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    Better that Elys learn how to siege instead of closing asmo creation frist.
  25. Maintenance 11.09

    Uff thanks for making the panda invisible candy, one of the things I trully hated about Aion is the candies, their transformations are just awfull to say the best. I am only sad that there is no Xform candy, even for the skin, that candy was the best.