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mostafa76 last won the day on November 23 2021

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  1. Probleme Windows 11 ( 24h2 ) aion 64 bits

    32 bit version works for me and I disabled windows update from group policy and services From Services: in windows 11, windows update service is called "wuauserv" in the service tab by opening task manager, right click on it and choose "stop", then you have to click on "Open Services" in the right top corner of the task manager window, navigate to the "Windows Update" service, double click or right click it and choose properties, change the Start Type to "disabled". From Group Policy: activate the run command by pressing and holding windows logo + R key, type "gpedit.msc", navigate to "Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Windows Update >> Manage end user experience" in the right panel choose "Configure Automatic Updates", double click it and choose "disabled".
  2. Possible Update ??

    We need new instances because it is very boring to do the same routine daily, I mean, it's been 5 years already and all you guys did is just replacing godstone animations and skill sounds!! Not all players asked for that, we need a proper update to add something new to this server.
  3. [Event] Beritra Treasures

    useless event with very low drop rate, at least make it possible to spawn boxes in katalam too because having too many groups in one area is ridiculously stupid not to mention being not be able to get a proper loot, it is a total waste of time.
  4. sound problem (2nd post)

    I'll do that and will post a screenshot for sound and graphics settings.
  5. sound problem (2nd post)

    yes it does.
  6. sound problem (2nd post)

    yes all skill and items visual effects are shown clearly, but some skill sounds are not heard properly, i know this is a strange situation but this is what's happening recently.
  7. sound problem (2nd post)

    it's not turned down for me, problem still persist and as I said that another player confirmed about it as well.
  8. sound problem (2nd post)

    Gold Coin Guestbloom, there's a problem with wings same as the chest issue, i will post a video (not mine) of some one else on another patch just to show what i mean, the problem is that there a jingle sound being played after pressing wing icon and flying, this sound cannot be heard, it is also a problem or a glitch and I've confirmed with another player on Euroaion that has the same problems. Aion_Gameplay_Flying_moves_Skydiving_-_MMO_HD_TV_(1080p).mp4
  9. sound problem (2nd post)

    photo describes what i want to say, there's no sound for this coin guestbloom after completing 40/40 times, i mean there should be a sound indicates the completion of using it but there isn't. is this a client issue? because i did every possible solution: 1- reinstalled windows. 2- installed up-to-date drivers. 3- downloaded new launcher. 4- deleted both bin32 and bin64 and game configuration files before rechecking game and let game download bin folders freshly. 5- forced-check game client. 6- installed software intended to let game run with no problem (directx - latest VCRedist libraries - etc..) I've posted similar topic earlier but no 1 seem to help. please this is very annoying as it is affecting another skills as well sorry for the double post, but i want to solve this problem.
  10. missing skill/wing sound

    as a sorcerer, when casting illusion gate or homeward bound skills, for some reason there's a sound glitch at the end of skill cast for it is not properly completed or heard same as for the wings toggle up and down, tried to force recheck game, deleted bin folders, game (.cfgs) files and reinstalled sound driver but problem is not fixed. any help would be appreciated.
  11. need help with a strange problem

    I'm doing this but i want this message to disappear completely. From your side, if you can roll out launcher update to solve this issue it will help a lot.
  12. I've installed windows 10 latest update and it was working fine until a problem appeared when opening game launcher as follows: You'll need a new app to open this about link, Look for an app in the Microsoft Store By pressing the corresponding button, it redirects me to app store with 0 results. Any help to fix this problem will be appreciated because I do not want to reinstall windows again to avoid spending hours to install programs. Thank you
  13. depending on group formation, use winter circle with assassins, summer circle with other classes
  14. [Update] Welcome to the showroom "Nyerk"!

    good job admins keep it up