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Showing most liked content on 02/16/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Normally, on elyo's side 10-30 minutes before siege, i see this on LFG Most elyo's don't intrested to play siege, only mantain they GP's (and rank). On the abyss siege after 20 minutes (the time to use 2x xform's) elyo's population of Reshante change from 200+ player's to 30-40 player's. Xform's get rank and go AFK at Sanctum. On Kata/Dana siege the situation is slightly better, Sillus/Silona fortress change owner in the first 10 minutes and the rest of the siege it lasts until the end on Pradeth fortress. But i think the BIG problem are player's mentality, not administration.
  2. 2 points
    Ник: Melize Раса: Асмодиане Сложно выбрать что-то одно :с Сестренки готовились, прихорашивались к празднику и, наконец, дарят друг другу подарки)
  3. 2 points
    Happy Valentine's day! Nick: Stormaster Race: Asmo
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Red hedgehog in the fog Nick: Cybersork Race: Asmo
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Admins will not change something .. because it will not change anything. You just need to get together with the whole race and change everything to your side. Take more people to the siege. Change tactics. Who is in your top 3? Let them show themselves as the leaders of the race .. and not the leaders of the list
  11. 1 point
    Космика и весь его лег перекинуть на нях, да прибудет спаситель...
  12. 1 point
    обучу бесконтактному бою, писать в лс
  13. 1 point
    We checked the situation quite recently and the only problem that we see is that some players just decide not to participate and not to unite. Right now the balance is 49 - 50. As you yourself wrote above Abyss siege, it is just not popular as for you, but anyway then you write to us here that elyos can't take the forts and the admins are to blame. Look at asmos, for some reason they don't have any problem with: -popular fortresses -interest in pvp -kisks (everyone can do that) -using artifacts (elyos have same access to them, just need to do the most important part - to unite). If there's imbalance in numbers, we will surely take actions, as we did that time in that topic that you have reffered to. GM's don't care? Our programmers will brobably be very happy to see such words after working all day on trying to fix the problems with ddos, trying to implement updates and fix the old problems. And by the way muted indefinitely for your previous message.