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Showing most liked content on 12/23/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The only retarded here are you and your legion, it's obvious you are making accounts because you dont want people to know who you are and defend the cheater who you run around with because you suck at playing without cheats or 1v1. You are carried and or paid by this cheater so of course you will come here to defend him. Without him you cant go in open world pvp. Even with cheats he gets killed by Desimp solo, 3 times in a row with a max gear healer on his back and you call Desimp bad? Mad because hes getting owned? LMAO. Just delete please. Your legion is biggest joke on this server right now. Defending and playing with a cheater and think they good. Nobody wants cheaters on this server that is why we come here to bring out the truth, not defend Desimp, it could be anybody reporting this but nobody is doing open world as much as Desimp so of course he will report it. It's not an easy task to make all these clips and upload them and a normal player can't be hassled with it that's why the cheaters think they can get away with it. Finally someone is trying to do something against it but the support and admin still not do anything? What is this CheatAion 4.6? This guy is still not banned and playing with cheats. DO SOMETHING
  2. 1 point
    First of all, i created an account just for this drama, i am not on anyone's side, desimp your crying like a little baby and its getting annoying, ever single post you have 2/3 of your retarded friends verablly abusing others who try to argue properly with you or anyone else, i mean imagine calling friends from other servers who dont even play this server. i hope euro aion admins know that its all just talk, desimp doesn't back his words with action, if he quits the game thats good for everyone, but his friends are not sheep they wont quit, they dont have any other server, you cant force your friends to quit, even if they quit, we are all glad to get rid of this community some toxic people, it will benefit this server more than you think, now my last words to you are, just change serv, no one likes you here.
  3. 1 point
    Hello, the video has not been speed up at any point which can be validated by checking the buff durations or cooldown timers on my skillbar. However, the combination of: "Auto Attack, Shadowfall, Surprise Attack, Auto Attack and Side Strike" in just 1,035 seconds is NOT possible without 3rd party cheating software which can be easily validated as any Assassin can replicate this combination, with the usage of weaving of course. No legit Player will get even close to this number and I am speaking of the exact time when the first "Auto Attack" pops up in the combat log until the first time the Skill "Side Strike" pops up. As a matter of fact, it seems like you and the other 2 Users with recently created accounts try to attack me personally although I am provoding sufficient evidence which can not be falsified by you. Therefore, I repeat the evidence for you and would like to have a statement by the admin on this case. The combination of: "Auto Attack, Shadowfall, Surprise Attack, Auto Attack and Side Strike" in just 1,035 seconds is NOT possible without 3rd party cheating software which can be easily validated as any Assassin can replicate this combination, with the usage of weaving of course. This exact 1,035 seconds number can be checked in this Video: While the full Video can be checked here: The exact number of 1,035 seconds result by the following: The First Autoattack of the combination after "Ambush" displays at 0,517 seconds in the chatlog, which can be seen here: https://ibb.co/BNyvSCF The skill "Side Strike" marks the end of the combination and displays first at 1,552 seconds, which can be seen here: https://ibb.co/Fs5VtkH This means, the combination from the first display of the Autoattack to the first display of Side Strike took exactly 1,035 seconds (1,552-0,517)
  4. 1 point
    У тебя пруфы есть.что он кинару продает?- Нету!!!! Считаю.что на банан ты тут уже наговорил(угрозы админам.Ложное обвинение игрока.да еще и админов в долю к РМТ записал).Слушай а может это админы в Морхе мобов фармят и кинару продают?xD Как по мне.так ты просто пытаешься выжить человека со спота.тк он тебе там мешает,вот и вся математика.Если тебе не нравится.что в Морхе творится.что же ты скажешь когда в подземку придешь? Все барыги.все РМТешат.
  5. 1 point
    TY Vahnohn thank you for not being known about anything I'm glad some of them are like your
  6. 1 point
    Hello, dear players! In the morning on 23.12 at 08:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 30-50 minutes! Thank you for attention and see you in game after the maintenance!