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Showing most liked content on 04/12/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello, Daevas! We've got some good news for you! From now on we will have doubled rates for experience and loot every weekend! The changes are permanent! Rates are in progress on Saturday and Sunday: from Saturday, 12am to Sunday, 11:59pm! Have fun playing and see you in game, Daeva ! p.s. x2 rates do not apply to the quest experience. Attention! Rates do not apply to the starting locations (Ishalgen/Poeta) and have never applied!
  2. 1 point
    OMFG are you for real Tia !? I remember you begging always for groups and alli...even crying for res in the eye !! And NO...sorry but i am very important for this server, for ely side !! You are all just a frustrated persons and i realy feel so sorry for you !! Keep the hate noobs !!! Haters will always hate !! This is ALL you can do !!
  3. 1 point
    You must be a really special snowflake to get offended by a simple swear word, it's like shit talking in any online game, even in official server or most online games they don't ban for that only when it gets into real bad and sensitive topics, the solution is provided by the game if someone is annoying you : block them. If reading bad words annoy you : activate profanity filter. Requesting for a ban for that while doing the same maybe you also should get banned then by that logic.
  4. 1 point
    That insult is very miniscule and you ought to know the saying "water off a duck's back". Are you seriously going to report everyone that swears in chat or whisper simply because they were frustrated? It's a waste of time to report anything like this. There is profanity filter you have unchecked in game, that's your problem and you're seeing swear words because you allowed it. It's a game, people play, people get happy or angry and call names/swear. It's just that they had a bad time and expressed themselves. There are people from all walks of life, you don't know what some go through daily in life just to play games and escape that harsh reality for a brief moment. And with the amount of these chat reports, if you expect a ban-wave on the number of people swearing, there will be no one left to play.
  5. 1 point
    WoW...mindblowing !!! !! This is very confusing and frustrating !!! So i can just "vomite" whatever i want into w/per chat and dont get banned ?? Fact : You let a very shitty and rape propaganda legion name allowed, verbal abuse allowed, I even saw a nazi legion logo !! If this is your answear for everything "For this purpose you can add the player to your block list" I might even reconsider to play in here !! Have fun....
  6. 1 point
    In view of the huge amount of complaints, we have talked to the head of the legion in question, and the decision about its renaming was made. The leader of the legion will do it as soon as possible. Right now the renaming cannot be made as the legion holds some fortresses.
  7. 1 point
    Hello, The administration took a decision to leave the legion name as it is not considered as offensive.
  8. 1 point
    Skins, stuff that is not reached in the game itself. The items mustn't ruin the game balance and must correspond the policy of our game shop.