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Showing most liked content on 10/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Good day dear players! As many of you know, the server started working a little less than a month ago. During this time, a situation requiring our intervention appeared. It is about the imbalance between the factions. We are not interested in a strong imbalance of factions, because we know what it leads to. Therefore, from today we are starting a promotion for all new players who start their way on our server! Each new Ely player at the start of the game will receive at its disposal: Full premium account: Boosts insignias earned in all Crucible instances by 20%. Boosts AP earned by PvP and PvE by 20%. Boosts Energy of Repose XP bonus (by 50%), which makes it into Strong Energy of Repose. Boosts Energy of Repose recharge speed (by 2 times). 5 items of premium account are issued, each for 1 day. You can activate all 5 items at once (premium time will be prolonged), or leave the packs for later. But keep in mind, each premium item occupies a separate cell in your inventory. Administrator's Boon (7-day pass) Cancels any Soul Sickness or XP loss following death. Also, the cost for flight transport or teleportation is reduced to 1 Kinah. For improved soul healing, an additional fee will be charged. This item lasts for 7 days. Ruddytail Heorn (7 days) Movement Speed 12.8 Flight Speed 16.0 Sprint effect available Sprint Movement Speed 15.2 Flight Time Consumed per Second -8.0 Prestige Badge (7-day pass) A unique item which cannot be found in the game shop. Gives priviledge status and increases chance of getting items from killing mobs by 10% (in normal locations and dungeons). These items are issued for only one character on the account! All items are untadable. The promotion is in progress until 27.10.2019 inclusively. It can be extended! If the promotion does not help in attracting players to the Elyos side, more drastic measures will be taken, in the form of transfers from race to race and complete closure of registration for Asmo side. But we would not like to do this, as every day 200+ accounts are registered on the server. And don't forget, that in addition to the bonuses for Elyos, there are bonuses for all new players on the server! We are waiting for you on the light side! Enjoy the game! Pay attention! the reward is available only befor level 10! As soon as you reach the 10th level, the poll with rewards will disappear! So don't forget to take the rewards during your first 9 levels!
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Доброго времени суток, Уважаемая Администрация! Это крик души, который, надеюсь, не останется незамеченным... Подозреваю, что к Вам обращались с данной просьбой, но рискну еще раз "поплакать" так сказать - введите на сервер команду для снятия внешнего вида конфеты! Пожалуйста! Мои глаза буквально плачут от "обилия" и "разнообразия" внешних видов персонажей! В основном это панды высокого роста, панды среднего роста и панды маленького роста! Я понимаю, конфеты панды это хорошо, это скорость атаки, магии, бега, хп и тд, но Айон имеет и казуальную сторону! Отсутствие команды на снятие внешнего вида конфеты вынуждает борщеваров и борщеварок страдать, сутками любуясь на маленький пушистый хвостик панды... Могу внести эту просьбу как предложение, которое может повысить продажи в шопе за коины - введите отдельный премиум, который будет включать в себя эту команду, или просто сделайте ее платной на сутки, неделю и тд. Я знаю, это можно реализовать на сервере, потому что на других серверах это реализовано, просто Вам нужно придумать как сделать это выгодным для Вас. Могу с уверенностью сказать, что ввод этой команды (не важно отдельной шоп-единицей или в составе нового премиума) повысит продажи внешек в шопе, ибо сейчас многие просто не заморачиваются этим потому что ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ БЕГАЮТ КАК ПАНДА Можно даже провести опрос на эту тему, я уверена большинство игроков выскажутся ЗА ввод такой команды. Помогите борщеваркам!!!! Спасибо.
  4. 1 point
    I am still having trouble on my characters and my husbands characters getting this quest.
  5. 1 point
    Hello all, I have been here on this server for 4 weeks. I have found that the Anchoring rate from manastones is very bad. Furthermore the drop rates from the important manastones and cash loots are bad too. You must buy expensive anchoring helps from the shop to anchor your manastones, otherwise all will break. If you want enough kinah, you must sell things from the shop ingame. Many people left this server because of this problems. Me and other players are also annoyed. I hope you find a better way, so that the players do not have to settle everything with real money (offi like). Best regards!
  6. 1 point
    Very low drop rate, 70% of quests are unavailable, campaign bugged. Welcome to EuroAion perfect quality private European server of Aion!
  7. 1 point
    Do not take this video too serious, most oppoments were encountered while farming in underground or doing BM Weekly therefor i'm aware of the gear indifferences. This video was planned to be much longer and with multiple layers to it (Group pvp, 1v1s against specific people, and all that good stuff). However I had to cut it short due to some in-game issues and lack of motivation. I hope some may still find it enjoyable. Apologies if my clicking bothers you, bad habits die hard <3