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proof of administration doesnot care about players.

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Upset    2
1 minute ago, doli said:

yeah thanks for the help, next time will try to do that if keep playing after this. they could have explained that but they just blamed me for lying..

They cannot explain everything in game. It's not a bug tho or some special feature

btw if you have any troubles in game you can ask in /3

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doli    5
Just now, Upset said:

They cannot explain everything in game. It's not a bug tho or some special feature

btw if you have any troubles in game you can ask in /3

the way the treat players is the issue not the bug or anything.

but yeah, we directly sent the ticket after the boss dissapeared but for sure it would be better to ask community for a help instead of those on desk 

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Ellowain    76
39 minutes ago, Upset said:

They cannot explain everything in game. It's not a bug tho or some special feature

btw if you have any troubles in game you can ask in /3

Want to give props to Upset for giving an answer (roll + all members pass then invite to sell). 

I think if the helper said "I don't know how this works, let me ask around and get back to you on it" there wouldn't be a problem, right? But jumping to the conclusion and calling the player a liar is what got things heated in the very first place. I don't think any of us expect Helpers/Admin to know everything in game, but nobody likes getting called a liar/cheater/idiot as the first response. 

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NancyFox    222
39 минут назад, doli сказал:

то, как относятся к игрокам, является проблемой, а не ошибкой или чем-то еще.

но да, мы сразу отправили тикет после того, как босс исчез, но наверняка лучше обратиться за помощью к сообществу, а не к тем, кто на столе 

The boss disappears after quite a long time. It's something like 10 minutes.
When a controversial situation arose, you immediately had to take a screenshot of what the drop in the boss is displayed for you as soon as the buyer told you that he did not see the drop. In my opinion, this is obvious.
The administration will not raise the server logs, trying to find something, it is impractical. Just the next time, if such misunderstandings occur, immediately collect all the evidence and arguments for a conversation with the Administration - screenshots of logs of system messages about receiving a drop, a screenshot of a drop from your side, a screenshot of a drop from the buyer, and so on.
In my opinion, there was just a misunderstanding here, but now it is not possible to understand the situation, since there is no way to fully see the whole picture of what happened (there are no screenshots from the seller).

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doli    5
1 hour ago, NancyFox said:

The boss disappears after quite a long time. It's something like 10 minutes.
When a controversial situation arose, you immediately had to take a screenshot of what the drop in the boss is displayed for you as soon as the buyer told you that he did not see the drop. In my opinion, this is obvious.
The administration will not raise the server logs, trying to find something, it is impractical. Just the next time, if such misunderstandings occur, immediately collect all the evidence and arguments for a conversation with the Administration - screenshots of logs of system messages about receiving a drop, a screenshot of a drop from your side, a screenshot of a drop from the buyer, and so on.
In my opinion, there was just a misunderstanding here, but now it is not possible to understand the situation, since there is no way to fully see the whole picture of what happened (there are no screenshots from the seller).

there was not any missunderstood, the problem is with that one helper which you guys have. He doesnot know how to communicate with player and i am sure there are more players like me who got banned for his stupidity

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NancyFox    222

This issue has smoothly flowed from the problem with the sale of the drop from the dungeon to accusations towards the support team. I believe that there was an ordinary misunderstanding here.
On behalf of the entire support team, I apologize to you for the harsh statement of a member of the support group. I believe that this incident should be settled.
I'm closing the topic.

If suddenly you have a similar situation, collect all the necessary evidence of what happened and create an appeal to Support.


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