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I did not receive the registration confirmation email to my friend

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wexlergamez    3
my friend yesterday when he registered to ask to play did not receive the account registration confirmation email, we need help
We wait for a response, thank you very much


I know it may sound absurd but it's been a day and the mail hasn't arrived, I know it sounds trivial but he wants to play and etc.



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TheAlmighty    1,152


Some of the services block our mails completely or send the message to the other folders. So your friend would want to check all the folders if their mail creates those + check spam folder. 

We recommend to use some other email if the mail still doesn't arrive (better use GMAIL). You can try to send another mail by logging in on the website with the new account.

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wexlergamez    3


is that my friend registered on Sunday and the email has not yet arrived, I check all the folders (spam included) and has not received notification, I try to log in to the game with the username and password that was created but it appears that his account is blocked, mmm and use another email, I'll see if he has another ..................

well thanks for answering

Edited by wexlergamez

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TheAlmighty    1,152
7 hours ago, wexlergamez said:


is that my friend registered on Sunday and the email has not yet arrived, I check all the folders (spam included) and has not received notification, I try to log in to the game with the username and password that was created but it appears that his account is blocked, mmm and use another email, I'll see if he has another ..................

well thanks for answering

What error is there after the log in? What does it mean blocked? We don't block any accounts from the access to the website

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Christof    73
4 hours ago, wexlergamez said:

I mean when my friend wanted to log into the game, not the website

Greetings, in order to join in the game, he has to confirm the email, also if he's using the email, most of them don't get the confirmation please try Gmail, if the problem persists send me in private message the email he's using.

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