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Maintenance 29.06

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TheAlmighty    1,152

Hello, dear players!




In the morning on 29.06 at 8:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance.

Works will last around 30-60 minutes!

Thank you for your attention and see you later in game!

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Lycani    0


just a little question:


What else changed except the drop rate from Event Items in Steelrose Cargo for which ppl bought hundreds of scrolls? (6 boxes => 3 now) Any other event specific drop rates?

I mean - isn't it quite unfair that there were ppl running on 100 scrolls till now and others don't have the chance anymore? What about the ppl that already bought scrolls ... they get half the expected reward now?



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Lycani    0
12 minutes ago, ldfilip said:

Why so surprised? Every event get nerfed few days after the start, everytime. 

Not surprised but disappointed. I mean it should be fair so either fix from the start (so the same day) to avoid advantages/disadvantages or leave it till the end and change it next time - that would be fair

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TheAlmighty    1,152

Dear players!

The changes were made in the event and we are not going to reverse them.
We are not ready to leave the things abused on the server and causing the destruction of the economy in the game. 

We are also people and we can make mistakes. We left this point of the event without attention, and fixed it as soon as it was possible. With all the checkings, tests and restart.
Last year when we had this event the geared players were less and the dungeon wasn't abused this much, therefore the problem wasn't visible at all. This year an enormous amount of people started abusing the event. Therefore we had to act. 

We are not into destroying our own projects by letting the players abuse the system. Even if it is convenient for a part of them.

All the weekend all the players had same conditions in the event and could all farm the dungeons with the same condition. Now the changes were also applied to all the players: everyone has same conditions for the dungeons and can continue participating in the event. 

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Lycani    0
38 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:

All the weekend all the players had same conditions in the event and could all farm the dungeons with the same condition. Now the changes were also applied to all the players: everyone has same conditions for the dungeons and can continue participating in the event.

right, all the players that were having coins - i was going to let some1 buy me coins so i can purchase 50 - 100 scrolls but not anymore :D i'd rather spend the money in LoL then - it is a huge fistpunch in the players face and i know i am not the only one having this feeling ... you were again benefitting people that took advantage and change the conditions so that all the others are in a huge disadvantage ... and what about the remaining scrolls being purchased BEFORE this maintenance? are u going to change the scrolls back to E-coins on demand? i mean people were buying this scrolls expecting to get their 6 boxes - and then without a warning you just change things to HALF

sorry but i am very unsatisfied with the support at this server ... to me it seems to be sometimes like a "shut up and play" ... just like the day when i reported a scam with using bug and received the answer "block him" - congratulations again

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Christof    73

Hey @Lycani we don't force people to donate to our server this is an option, you can also buy the reset scrolls in-game from players, and don't you think 6 boxes was too much from an 8-10 min dungeon was too much and the market prices were going up, so we had to change this.

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Lycani    0
1 hour ago, Christof said:

and don't you think 6 boxes was too much from an 8-10 min dungeon was too much

a lot - sure but too much ... depends on

I mean - u can also go Duo Sauro (6 boxes) or solo/duo Raksang (5x6 = 30 boxes)

of course the time you need for duo sauro is higher but Raksang doesnt need that long with good gear :D

i don't want to change the world but i want you to understand my point of view

btw: it is a good idea to offer people to refund scrolls that they bought with e-coins

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Pave    0

I am on the side of those satisfied with the event anyway.

I think that you have made almost the same mistakes as last year, but this year at least at the beginning people did not complain and enjoyed the event. 

And I think that refunding scrolls is a good idea (Shows that you care about your players) , but I understand that the administration don't want to deal with this because it is extra work for nothing.

Anyway, I don't care.

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TheAlmighty    1,152
21 hours ago, Pave said:

I am on the side of those satisfied with the event anyway.

I think that you have made almost the same mistakes as last year, but this year at least at the beginning people did not complain and enjoyed the event. 

And I think that refunding scrolls is a good idea (Shows that you care about your players) , but I understand that the administration don't want to deal with this because it is extra work for nothing.

Anyway, I don't care.

Hey, we are ready to refund the scrolls (but only for coins). If you want to return the coins that you spent for the scrolls, contact me in PM.  

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