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[Event] Beritra Grand Invasion!

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TheAlmighty    1,090


We've been informed that Beritra is planning a vast invasion to Katalams and Abyss. We need heroes to save Atreia from the war machines of the 4th Lord of Balaurs. These monsters are strong. Daevas have yo unite their powers for the victory!

The monsters will arrive through the portals. The map will show you the possible locations of the envoy. 

The invaders arrive at 20:00 server time in the following locations: 

  1. Katalam and Danaria:
    • Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
  2. Reshanta:
    • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

In Katalams one envoy will spawn in one of the "warning areas". In Reshanta 2 bosses will spawn in 2 of the "warning areas".


Warning zones:

Katalam - 3 zones:

  • Relics of Sorrow
  • Ice Path
  • Path of Sorrow



Danaria - 3 zones:

  • Frozen Plateau
  • Forlorn Path
  • Beritra Defense Zone



Reshanta - 4 zones:

  • Western Shard of Latesran
  • Dryrock
  • Soul Stream
  • The Shattered Temple

In Reshanta, the invaders will only land at the upper layer.




  • The invasion will be announced in the game with a warning message, so be attentive;
  • The map will show you the possible landing sites, however, only one boss will arrive to Katalam and Danaria, and 2 bosses to Reshanta;
  • If the boss stops the following, they do not restore their health;



For the victory over the boss, you will get Glory points. The amount depends on the boss grade (there are 2). The overall GP reward is divided for all the participants of the group/alliance/union. If your character is dead, you won't receive the GP.

Loot from the bosses - Grand Invasion Reward Box that includes:


1) 100% - Reward bag - one item on choice:

  • Danuar Reliquary Expedition's Idian Bundle         
  • Superior Recovery Serum             
  • Ancient Golem                        
  • [Event] Ribbit Sunrise

2) Two random items from the list:

  • Fine Recovery Potion x10
  • Fine Recovery Serum x10
  • Mystic flux box
  • [Event] Brilliant Composite Manastone Bundle
  • [Event] Hyperion's Mythic Armor Chest
  • Tempering Solution
  • Manastone Box
  • [Event] Brilliant Ancient Manastone Bundle
  • Gleaming balaur material box
  • Illuminary Obelisk Idian Pouch
  • [Event] Hyperion's Mythic Weapon Chest
  • Dynatoum's Brazen Weapon Box
  • [Event] Modor's Mythic Weapon Box
  • Dynatoum's Brazen Armor Box
  • [Event] Modor's Mythic Armor Box

Event is in progress from 08.10.2024 to 25.10.2024 inclusive

Successful fights!



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Freetson    49
Posted (edited)
1 час назад, sataanic сказал:

Lol no beritra phantom wings in rewards. I disappointed

Just had an event with Wings of Pain. I got x7

Edited by Freetson

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Mickymausi    5

I think it's good that there are finally new events but the loot is already ridiculous

  • Fine Recovery Potion x10
  • Fine Recovery Serum x10
  • Mystic flux box
  • Manastone Box
  • Gleaming balaur material box

what is this garbage this is not an afk event this is an event that takes place once a day the server is 5 years old what we need is something new maybe the real 4.7 invasion and not the

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adash    1

I was so surprised about new event but yeah, I gotta admit - rewards are dissaponting.

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quantrieu    4

we did it with 8 allies lastnight and the quest not update any, bug quest,  wasting time.

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Ellowain    78

I think we need better explanation of this event. Nowhere does the event post state that only 2 ally in the league will get rewards. but that's what happened? Its already competitive because if you don't get there fast enough, there are no league spots left and your DPS is wasted helping the others get prizes. :/

I hope that is not the case, because then it will just be an event for the same top players hogging map the expense of all other players (sounds familiar? Molantus. cough)

What are the rules for getting rewards. Please make clear.   

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Veda    94


Some changes were made in the [Event] Beritra Grand Invasion:
- The Bosses became stronger (the health is increased);
- The Glory Points reward for killing the bosses is greatly increased;
- The kill quest was fixed;
- Two bosses will arrive to Reshanta by default.

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Ellowain    78
11 minutes ago, Veda said:

- The kill quest was fixed;

Meaning......? All alliance or league members get credit now? Or smt different? 

Just checking.

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Veda    94
5 минут назад, Ellowain сказал:

Meaning......? All alliance or league members get credit now? Or smt different? 

Just checking.

Yes. The assignment works like any other assignment.

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Mickymausi    5

Now we have the problem that a union is limited to 192 players and there are more players taking part. I mean the reward is completely awful bad. I go solo for the GP but now there are two unions that are stealing the reward from each other.

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Freetson    49

The second union received a reward. We do not steal, but participate in the event! Or do you think that the event is for the chosen ones?
When the 1st union came, the boss already had 75% hp. We had to deal another 26% and we did it.
(thanks google translate)

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TheAlmighty    1,090

Dear players, once again, the quest works as the other quests do. You can check how the quests for killing monsters update doing any other of the existing quests. For example Blood marks. 

There's just no other way for them to function in aion. They are all the same.

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Dezzw    4

If there's no way to change the bosses, you can just add more bosses. What's the point of an event if everyone will complain everyday after it?

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Harambe    4


Hello , this was written by you .

  • The quest will only be updated if your group/aliance/union damaged the most on the boss.

this crtieria was respected by our league (Laxx league) ,  we did all of the damage on the boss for 2 days straight since there is only 1 League asmo side. we deserve our rewards for those 2 days .


Edited by Harambe
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Nortrom    3
В 10/12/2024 в 21:05, Harambe сказал:


Hello , this was written by you .

  • The quest will only be updated if your group/aliance/union damaged the most on the boss.

this crtieria was respected by our league (Laxx league) ,  we did all of the damage on the boss for 2 days straight since there is only 1 League asmo side. we deserve our rewards for those 2 days .









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quantrieu    4

bad event ever, i join the league and all member have quest while i got no update from quest . Just wasting my time, i will never join again, wasting 5 days and nothing 





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Harambe    4

@Nortrom Yes, this screenshot was also taken yesterday right after the boss died. There were 192 people participating in the boss fight. We attacked first, maintained aggro, and had the highest DPS on the boss , "You can check how the quests for killing monsters update doing any other of the existing quests. For example Blood marks. "

This is what @TheAlmighty said about the quest not updating for us, and he’s mistaken. We’ve been doing Blood Mark quests for years. If 192 players are reporting it as a bug, then it is indeed . Tickets are being closed instantly by the staff, and we still have no answers or updates regarding any compensation !!!

Additionally, the other players you see here were asking to join our league, but since we were at full capacity (192/192), we had no available spots for them saddly .

This problem should be adressed by the staff as soon as possible , we wasted 2 hours of our precious time each day on that event not to mention the tremendous amount of effort put in by our leaders. Thanks to them !!!!!

and thank you !!!






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Veda    94

Dear players,

Taking into account the problems at the event, we have to cancel the invasion this evening. The bosses will be removed manually at the start of the event. 
The event itself will be fixed.
We have found the core of the problem, and it is connected to the game system itself. So we will have to make some changes. 
We are sorry for inconvenience.

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Sonnar    1
32 minutes ago, Veda said:

Dear players,

Taking into account the problems at the event, we have to cancel the invasion this evening. The bosses will be removed manually at the start of the event. 
The event itself will be fixed.
We have found the core of the problem, and it is connected to the game system itself. So we will have to make some changes. 
We are sorry for inconvenience.

Core or the problem being that there isn't such a thing as coalitions in the game yet? Ellyos gather atleast 350  people every night for event(almost 2 full leagues) yet only 1 will get reward. Every person of the faction that kills the boss that also damaged the boss should get the reward regardless. This is not some world boss. This is a world event.

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Veda    94
1 час назад, Sonnar сказал:

Core or the problem being that there isn't such a thing as coalitions in the game yet? Ellyos gather atleast 350  people every night for event(almost 2 full leagues) yet only 1 will get reward. Every person of the faction that kills the boss that also damaged the boss should get the reward regardless. This is not some world boss. This is a world event.

There are no coalition mechanics on our version

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