
Server restart

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unhuman    0
12 minutes ago, Dessy said:

Mam nadzieję .

Dobra konserwacja jest zawsze dobra do resetowania identyfikatora.


Cóż, ale nawet jeśli tak jest w przypadku EA, nie oczekuję, że francuski dostawca OvH udostępni serwer online przed następnym weekendem.


Nie zdziwiłbym się nawet, gdyby po 2-3 dniach ponownie byli offline z powodu nieoczekiwanych rzeczy (co działo się tam teraz 3-4 razy) z kilkoma częściami SGB1, 4 

a little bit of optimism, please


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Lilith    3
32 minutes ago, Nelsu said:

OVH arrêté, racks ne sont pas l’ouverture, peut-être les travailleurs arrêtés pour le déjeuner :)

Pause déjeuner  terminer ) :D, 3 de plus repasser en vert :P

Edited by Lilith

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Teagan    20
1 minute ago, Dessy said:

Also they just activate VPS not dedicated servers the chairmen said so 

I saw he said so.

What does it mean?

I don t understand much informatic lol ty !


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Yougan    54
1 час назад, Dessy сказал:

Well I'm thinking the 8th of April maybe so there would be another additional down time from euroaion for 3 weeks from now on 

have already said ... from 22 they will turn on all the racks ... now there is just a check ... 23-24 will turn on all

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Desimp    46


If you had the backup service enabled, it might actually be possible to commit further legal actions against OVH, because it clearly says on their homepage regarding the "Zerto" backup technology, that in case of technical failure in the primary OVH datacenter, the service will continue to be hosted in ANOTHER OVH datacenter.


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Shrr    47

I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.

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Airmax    13
53 minutes ago, Shrr said:

I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.

Same here,

Think we need 2 look for another project like this or make a own new one

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Shrr    47
6 minutes ago, Subby said:

They're in the same boat that we are in. 

Not really. You'd think a project of this size would have some sort of community management. Check out twitter or the rust community on reddit, somehow other customers of OVH happen to be much more open and detailed (:

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Desimp    46

True, one major principle of IT is that backups on a different location NEVER make sense.

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TheAlmighty    1,152
11 hours ago, Shrr said:

I find the general silence from our admins a little disappointing, to put it mildly. Other than the initial announcement and what we scrap together ourselves from OVH - there is nothing. No roadmap, no insight on what we can look forward to once the servers are back up, just silence. Other than the occasional posts that get deleted in here nothing is going on.

We cannot provide any additional information. We have exactly what you have. All our plans were given here in this topic, right at the start. There's as well the updated info on the approximate date, given by OVH. We can again repeat that it is approximate and depends on how fast the servers will be up. 

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TheAlmighty    1,152
18 hours ago, CookieLover said:

So you had a backup server/s at the same location as the original server?...
Usually a backup server should be in a completely different area in case of something like this or a sudden shut down of the company or any incident really.
Storing your server and the backup in the same location... That just seem cheap and wrong.

No one is ever ready for a fire. And again, you don't sleep with your docs in the pocket and shoes on ready to run away from the house if there's fire. 
Plus there were 4 (!) buildings affected by the incident. There are a lot of other businesses off, other game servers destroyed (not even just off, but completely dead). Take RUST.

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TheAlmighty    1,152

Regarding the conversations about the deleted comments here. We do clear some comments, if they are:
-just spam
-discussions on other problems. 

This topic is not about server version, not about other game servers, not even about our spendings and funds. 

It is not even only our point of view, these comments distract other players here and we get reports on this case. 

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Airmax    13

The management of the server is poor. Hundreds of players are left in the dark. It feels like you're doing what and when you want. This will lead to some loss in the number of players.

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Ellowain    78
2 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

We cannot provide any additional information. We have exactly what you have. All our plans were given here in this topic, right at the start. There's as well the updated info on the approximate date, given by OVH. We can again repeat that it is approximate and depends on how fast the servers will be up. 

If there's no new info- just say that. "Update: No new word from OVH today. We do not expect to be online today. The last estimated date of online was 03/19, now it's ______" I'm guessing you guys aren't getting any feedback or word from the company, at all No emails? No updates from them? Then just update the players on that. It takes so little effort to just update each day, even if it's that you have heard nothing from the company and a reminder of the last estimated online date. Players support you and are aren't leaving, you can support back by the simplest communicative effort.

Because on the players' end, it looks like the admin team are bunking off. The player community are the ones scouring the web info, and then they come here to share what they found. . .and the players aren't the ones making money of this project. ;) 


"you don't sleep with your docs in the pocket and shoes on ready to run away from the house if there's fire"

Yeah, but you don't ignore the oven after cooking each day. You check to make sure it's off. Because you don't want to start a fire by silly neglectfulness. 

EDIT: a big thanks to KEDU on EA discord for an update, even if it's a polite "we don't know" Respect. 

Edited by Ellowain
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TheAlmighty    1,152
1 hour ago, Ellowain said:

Yeah, but you don't ignore the oven after cooking each day. You check to make sure it's off. Because you don't want to start a fire by silly neglectfulness. 

This is rather about being able to prevent the catastrophe itself, and we couldn't prevent fire in the buildings, sadly.

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Desimp    46
3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

No one is ever ready for a fire. And again, you don't sleep with your docs in the pocket and shoes on ready to run away from the house if there's fire. 
Plus there were 4 (!) buildings affected by the incident. There are a lot of other businesses off, other game servers destroyed (not even just off, but completely dead). Take RUST.

But thousands of customers were ready for fire. You dont here from them in the Media because its not big news that they are still running, you just hear from those that are not like rust. 

Why is It so impossible to have a Backup and another place? Its one of the most basic rules for everyone who Deals with important datas in a business like way. 

Like when I wrote my Master thesis, i have It on my local PC and onedrive so I am rdy for fire either at my place or at Microsoft datacenter. Why is this not possible when you Deal with datas that is important for thousands of people, especially when It seems like the cost for It is very low as i linked the OVH zerto solution

Edited by Desimp
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Ellowain    78
52 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:

This is rather about being able to prevent the catastrophe itself, and we couldn't prevent fire in the buildings, sadly.

True. Players are asking about the Zerto/Disaster Recovery Plan, and since that's not even being commented on by admin, I think we can assume it's not an option because it wasn't bought. Right? I get that- Even if the fee seems small, I don't think this project makes a lot of money and there are more than one admin to compensate.  

The only reason I posted here is because even if the update is "We have gotten no reply from OVH. No update. Estimated dates were 03/22-03/25 is the last update we heard." that's better than silence each day. 

And as much as players are being jerks/going crazy- must mean they like this server more than any other because they are still here waiting for updates. 

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ToxicTrash    46

Someone found the buzzword Zerto and now everyone is sure that this is the solution that the EA server lacks. Of course, I could be wrong, but according to the description, this is a solution for cloud platforms such as Exchange server etc. Someone can say that it is suitable for a dedicated server on which the user installs his appserver software, his OS, his DB? As soon as an accident happens, a bunch of experts immediately appear - today they are fire safety specialists, tomorrow they are outstanding virologists or sports observers. 

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Desimp    46

It clearly says that it is for a hosted private cloud, which I guess applies to this case.

Also, as soon as something happens, suddenly people appear who want to tell others who are allowed to give constructive and fact based criticsm and who are not allowed to do so which reminds me of the concept of a dictatorship so I would be very pleased if you did not deny people to make use of their right of freedom of the speech here as long as there are no insults and it is fact based, which my posts always are.

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Rhino    1
24 minutes ago, Desimp said:

It clearly says that it is for a hosted private cloud, which I guess applies to this case.

Also, as soon as something happens, suddenly people appear who want to tell others who are allowed to give constructive and fact based criticsm and who are not allowed to do so which reminds me of the concept of a dictatorship so I would be very pleased if you did not deny people to make use of their right of freedom of the speech here as long as there are no insults and it is fact based, which my posts always are.

you are so annoying , just wait for the start like others, stop spamming and complaining for things that you do not understand

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ToxicTrash    46
31 minutes ago, Desimp said:

It clearly says that it is for a hosted private cloud, which I guess applies to this case.

Also, as soon as something happens, suddenly people appear who want to tell others who are allowed to give constructive and fact based criticsm and who are not allowed to do so which reminds me of the concept of a dictatorship so I would be very pleased if you did not deny people to make use of their right of freedom of the speech here as long as there are no insults and it is fact based, which my posts always are.

Thanks for the comment. Because I do not belong to the EA team, then the accusations of dictatorship are unfounded. I have the same  right to criticize you as you criticize others. I am only amazed at how easily subjective information becomes an indisputable truth for the majority - it is enough just to repeat it like a mantra for several days. I don't think a cloud solution based on virtual server replication can be applied to a stand-alone server. Aion is a typical application server with a 10 year old architecture. This architecture has nothing to do with the private cloud. I support constructive criticism where it can help to do better - but there is a line beyond which it becomes just empty claims without a hint of constructiveness. In my opinion, this discussion has already come very close to this brink. Why do I think so? Because your messages are not suggestions, but mostly claims.

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Desimp    46

Well, I wrote to Allmighty " Why is this not possible when you Deal with datas that is important for thousands of people, especially when It seems like the cost for It is very low as i linked the OVH zerto solution"

So if it is not possible in their case, he or she could just give an answer here what the technical problem is.

Your explanation does not seem logical to me tho, since what is needed in the end is just the data of an up to date backup. The hosting of this data can then be done at any other provider which was even said by the staff before.

So it does not make much sense for me that an up to date backup service from one of the biggest datacenters is not able to transfer the small amount of datas that the aion server generates compared to up to date applications and other stuff than games, which need a lot of more data.

Edited by Desimp
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