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Streamer using viewer Bots pt2

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Raidon    108
3 hours ago, disgusting said:

I think we can say that 90% of all euroaion streamers are viewbotting.

Because whos gonna be watching low skill, boring-ass people do boring and repetitive stuff that everyone does on a daily basis. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151


Some bots on twitch connect to the channels automatically, or provide some other functions. 

However we are still checking allt he channels on the presence of strange numbers and on bots as follows. 

Thank you for the note, we will follow this player's streams to see if they really try to deceive the system.

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soberduck    0
On 20/1/2021 at 10:05 AM, Raidon said:

Because whos gonna be watching low skill, boring-ass people do boring and repetitive stuff that everyone does on a daily basis. 

Tbh everything in AION its teh same every day. Even PVP is kinda the same, so you cant really say that "they are doing boring stuff". You are watching because you enjoy watching the specific streamer. 


Now as for bots, there are many bots that join the stream that keep statistics. Those bots do NOT count as viewers. So they dont affect in anyway the stream. They are idle bots keeping stats. They exist in all streamers.


And no, its nots fair for the rest of us that dont use bots (I dont say that there are not people using them) to be treated like scammers for some coins.

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