
Error happened: Virtual machine detected. Code: 0x14(0).

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Can anyone from admins or staff support actually check what is triggering this error. I can't constantly go to BIOS and switch on/off virtualization technology when I decide I want to play on this server. I do have virtual machines for my work but this error is a false error. I have checked many times in task manager is anything running from VirtualBox or Hyper-V. None of the staff knows what is causing the error but also staff needs to understand that for the players and future players that work with virtual machines can't nor won't risk their job to play on this server. I am honestly deeply disappointed by the lack of support where even staff does not know what is causing this issue. Few days ago I decided to make a backup of my VM's just to test it out.

1. I have made backups
2. Deleted VirtualBox
3. Disabled Hyper-V completely

and the issue is still appearing. I honestly hoped that I would play on this server knowing the situation on retail on NA and EU and I was jumping from the server to server until I found this server. There must be a way that your anticheat software has a way to be configured to actually recognize when VM is actually active. I do understand from the side of devs that they need to have their server protected but this doesn't make sense, and if the support staff doesn't understand what is causing it at least try to communicate with the players to test certain things until finally finding the solution and not just say "you have a virtual machine open" and be done with it.


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TheAlmighty    1,152


This detection is built into the anticheat, therefore we are not able to change it. We just use a ready anticheat. 

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Any plans of changing the anticheat in the future. You can attract more players. For example if it worked I could have broughten more players, but I can't. 

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