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About EuroAion

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Hello, dear friends!

We will try to tell about our project and highlight its main features.

The main information in a quite compressed form is represented on our website and if you aren't fond of reading this all you can learn about it here.

First of all, it is necessary to note, that the server EuroAion operates on the ideal build which corresponds with the official server of Aion of 4.6 version at 100%. There's no sense in explaining every aspect of the game separately, just think this phrase over and seize the essence of it! 
Everything that you can only think about works as it should: quests, skills, dungeons, geodata and so on!

We have been working with game servers for several years and we understand the meaningness of many things. That's why:

  • We use only up-to-date and powerful hardware for the fastest calculations possible, thus reducing any delays in the game to a minimum.
  • We understand the importance of ping for players, so the location of the physical server was chosen carefully. It is located in Germany, Frankfurt so that all the players from Europe would receive the most pleasant ping.
  • Our team has repeatedly faced powerful DDoS attacks and so running the server without defence system would be irresponsible. The supplier of our anti-DDoS system assures of its high reliability. But let's be honest - any defense can be broken with a powerful attack. We will expect that competitors will not want to spend a lot of money on us  Anyway, we will take the necessary measures in case of problems.
  • Cheaters ruin the lives of everyone!
    For this - maximum cheating protection. It is very frustrating to achieve all the hard work and watch someone using a third-party software reaching your heights in a matter of days. Or even "better", getting a significant advantage in battles with the reduced animation skills or inflated characteristics. And, unfortunately, all this is real without a normal anti-cheat system. But we are not threatened  
  • And of course, the maximum stability. We minimize all kinds of downtime of the game server. Restarts/maintenance works occur 2 times per week, or when it is absolutely necessary. And they are performed only in the early mornings, which would minimize the damage to the players received due to the inaccessibility of the server

Some specifications:

  • Game version 4.6
  • Server rates x1 (on everything) with doubled rates on the weekends for loot and experience
  • Game shop doesn't contain weapons, jewelry, equipment
  • Full orientation to the official game server of the version 4.6
  • Absence of any additional PVP directions (FFA, BattleGrounds, etc.)
  • Extremely small changes directed only on the impovement and diversity of the game process
  • Regualr automatic events

We believe that the developers have thought through every detail and the introduction of any additional content would negatively affect economy and the game itself.

Game server features:

We introduce such concept as "Season" - a very popular unit in modern online games. Perhaps we will not achieve a full copy of the meaning of this concept, but will try to create competition and allow new players to be the best!

There is a Ranking of PVP events on the website of our server, namely:

  • Arena of Harmony (level 61-65)
  • Arena of Honor (level 61-65)
  • Arena of Discipline (level 61-65)
  • Arena of Chaos (level 61-65)
  • Terath Dredgion (level 56-65)
  • Iron Wall Warfront (level 61-65)
  • Kamar Battlefield (level 61-65)
  • Ophidan Bridge (level 61-65)

The best PVP players will be displayed in these rankings. Of course, one player can participate in each of them.
The system of calculation for the positions is quite simple - kill, win, score points!

  • On the 1st day of each month, all the above rankings are reset and a new game season begins!
  • According to the results of the previous month TOP 3 players from each ranking receive gifts for their achievements.

1 place - Large present box (30 days items) :


Full premium account - 30-days pass

  • Boosts insignias earned in all Crucible instances by 30%.
  • Boosts AP earned by PvP and PvE by 30%.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose recharge speed.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose XP bonus, which makes it into Strong Energy of Repose.

A unic title that cannot be found in the game shop. (30 days)

  • PvP Magical Defense+2%
  • PvP Physical Defense+2%
  • Speed+5
  • Atk Speed+4%
  • Casting Speed+4%

Administrator's Boon (30-days pass)

  • There is no resurrection penalty or XP loss when you are killed. Teleport and flight cost only 1 Kinah.

  • Lasts for 30 days.

Tamed Lion (30 days)
A unique mount that is not available in the game shop.

  • Movement speed 14.0
  • Flight speed 16.0
  • Sprint effect available
  • Sprint Movement Speed 16.0
  • Flight Time Consumed per Second -1.0

Boost Drop Pack (30 days)
Item drop rate increases by 100% while the Boost Drop Pack is in inventory

2 place - Normal present box (15 days items):


Full premium account - 15-days pass

  • Boosts insignias earned in all Crucible instances by 30%.
  • Boosts AP earned by PvP and PvE by 30%.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose recharge speed.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose XP bonus, which makes it into Strong Energy of Repose.

[Title] Munin's Friend (15 days)

  • Movement speed +5
  • Atk. speed +3%
  • Casting speed +3%
  • Max. HP +500  

Administrator's Boon (15-days pass)

  • There is no resurrection penalty or XP loss when you are killed. Teleport and flight cost only 1 Kinah

  • Lasts for 15 days.

Tamed Lion (15 days)
A unique mount that is not available in the game shop.

  • Movement speed 14.0
  • Flight speed 16.0
  • Sprint effect available
  • Sprint Movement Speed 16.0
  • Flight Time Consumed per Second -1.0

Boost Drop Pack (14 days)
Item drop rate increases by 100% while the Boost Drop Pack is in inventory

3 place - Small present box (7 days items):


Full premium account - 7-days pass

  • Boosts insignias earned in all Crucible instances by 30%.
  • Boosts AP earned by PvP and PvE by 30%.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose recharge speed.
  • Boosts Energy of Repose XP bonus, which makes it into Strong Energy of Repose.

Administrator's Boon (7-days pass)

  • There is no resurrection penalty or XP loss when you are killed. Teleport and flight cost only 1 Kinah

  • Lasts for 7 days.

Tamed Lion (7 days)
A unique mount that is not available in the game shop.

  • Movement speed 14.0
  • Flight speed 16.0
  • Sprint effect available
  • Sprint Movement Speed 16.0
  • Flight Time Consumed per Second -1.0

Boost Drop Pack (7 days)
Item drop rate increases by 100% while the Boost Drop Pack is in inventory

Chnages in the Glory ranking. Daily loss of Glory Points is increased by 2 times! 
This will allow a faster update of the ranking, "cleaning" it from non-playing users, will let active beginners to rise to the TOP more quickly.
Which means, that if the standard loss of GPs by the Army 1-Star Officer is 7 points, now they will lose 14.

We believe that these changes will keep the competition between the players at the highest level and will raise interest in PVP activities of the server. Also, this will let new players start the game from scratch without fear and worries about a long way reaching the TOPs.

Game bonuses

We know very well the love of players to the gifts and bonuses  This is why we just couldn't leave you without them.

We do not support the rapid achievement of everything at once. But we do understand how most of you are bored with low-level content. Endless quests and missions, rather tedious pumping on mobs and quests for some, at least initial, things.
That is why we decided to simplify the start of the game.

Each new server character will have the following items in the inventory:

- Kaisinel's/Marchutan's Blessed Weapon. The items will be stored in a box, opening which you will be offered to choose the things you need.

 - Gear - Dazzling Daevanion Armor . Equipment will be in your inventory in the form of a chest, opening which you will receive the items for your class.

- A small amount of consumables for the start of the game


Kinah - 10 000
Standard scrolls/potions/weapons according to the off. game server of the version 4.6
[Event] Recovery Serum - 20 pcs.
[Event] Recovery Serum- 50 pcs.
[Event] Greater Courage Scroll - 50 pcs.
Greater Running Scroll - 50 pcs.
Greater Raging Wind Scroll - 50 pcs.

- In the game for raising the level of the character you will receive information polls + small bonuses:


10th level

12th level

18th level

30th level

35th level

50th level

57th level

63th level

65th level

In additio to the above listed items, you will receive surveys
with a symbolic reward, namely
 Lucky Vinna II:

The chance of obtaining items from hunting creatures increases by 5%
while this effect is active, and your movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed all increase by 2%.

This effect expires after 1 hour, upon which there is a 1 hour cooldown before you can use it again. 

For being online players receive an incentive bonus - Form Candy of Panda.

The Candies come directly to the inventory for every 2 hours in the game. In this case, it is not necessary to stay in game for 2 hours continuously. You can both leave the character and the game. The timing goes for each character separately for being online. As soon as the total time of the character online reaches 2 hours the bonus candy arrives.

Permanent changes on the server:

On the many requests, the recharger NPC was added.
More information in the topic.

Changes in the sieges of Hearts.
More information in the topic.

x2 rates on the weekends.
More information in the topic.

Additional drop and unique remodels from the RB Moltenus
More information in the topic.

The stats of the less valuable mounts were slightly raised to the average level
More information in the topic

TheChanges have been made to drop boxes purchased for the blood marks. 
More information in the topic

The stats of the less valuable candies were slightly raised
More information in the topic

Also, premium-class candies WITHOUT appearance have been introduced into the game store.

A pet has been introduced into the game, with which you can get unique wings.
More information in the topic

We really hope that you will like us

Create an account, download the client and reach the top!

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