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Manastones pissing off poor daevas

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Hillz    0

Hi im active player i was talking with some people around and every person that I ask for an opinion about manastones they mention how much they all hate that manastone break so often even when u have 3 manastones placed and the last one broke, then break all the ones you already place in the weapon or gear, in the version 4.7 or 4.8 aion change that and when u place a manastone, that manastone do not break at all even if the next one fail. so could be nice for future updates trying to do something like 4.7 or 4.8 did to fix this. #PoorDaevaAskingForMercy

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Souli    22

I don't know why even the the post, manastones are fairly okay in price (I can talk only for asmo side), they all break but they do not break so frequently, you wanna buy just in case at least 200 manastones (or less)  for your gear, as you can imagine that they GONNA break.

If you want 100% chance sucess, then you can buy the dust on the eshop, of course it will be expensive, but is 100% chance that they won't gonna break, and the composites are expensive because they are rare to found. By the way, in Gameforge they broke WAY more frequently, or I swear they do that.


A thing I maybe agree is on how players can earn money, as farming is getting less profitable for the drop of prices, as well with alchemy and coocking and the rising of the aion coins.

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Auxi    4
On 1.10.2020 at 8:09 PM, Hillz said:

Hi im active player i was talking with some people around and every person that I ask for an opinion about manastones they mention how much they all hate that manastone break so often even when u have 3 manastones placed and the last one broke, then break all the ones you already place in the weapon or gear, in the version 4.7 or 4.8 aion change that and when u place a manastone, that manastone do not break at all even if the next one fail. so could be nice for future updates trying to do something like 4.7 or 4.8 did to fix this. #PoorDaevaAskingForMercy

Most people hate this system. There is nothing good about it. There are of course some apologists like the poster above, but the general concensus ist that the system sucks.

An official statement was something along the lines of "it's been like this in 4.6 and yes, the update had its flaws, we still loved it, and manastone socketing was part of it".

Coping yourself out of trying to improve the game is beyond me. I mean, sure it's one of the most beloved versions there's ever been, but not taking the chance to make it even better is something I'll never understand. 

Edited by Auxi
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TheAlmighty    1,152


This question has already been discussed before. The system is not going to be changed. This is MMORPG, these games never mean that you will get everything at once and at maximum. Moreover the server is classic. 

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Sentry    29

The rate of this server is not the same as the original, that is also very clear, you just have to accept playing with its rules.

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Fonkey    1

If you want to have everything in a short time you will eventually get bored of it, and be glad that you can at least get/buy the manastones relatively easy. To have a good gear you need to work for it, that's what makes the game fun as well. You can try some PvP server where you can get everything at once.

If it is too expensive, just start with white 70 lvl manastones for your armor and green for your weapon. 

Edited by Fonkey

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