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GP Reset

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Mickymausi    5

I think the server has reached an old age where you can do a GP reset because the GP are not cashed it shouldn't hurt anyone. A GP reset is important because EUROAION is getting more and more players and you are slowly no longer able to catch up with general and co. The players should not stop playing because you cannot Cashen it is impossible now and in the future TOP 30 + to become.


ich denke der server hat mittlerweile ein alter erreicht wo man mal ein gp reset durchführen kann da die GP nicht ercasht sind sollte es keinem wehtun. Ein GP reset ist wichtig da EUROAION immer mehr Spieler bekommt und man langsam nicht mehr in der Lage ist General und co einzuholen sollten die Spieler nicht aufhören zu Spielen da man nicht Cashen kann ist es somit unmöglich stand jetzt und in der zukunft noch TOP 30 + zu werden.

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DevWolx    62

Not a full reset, a soft reset might be nice, as in a percentage reduction of GP so that everyone keeps his rank and new players have chance to catch up.

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TheAlmighty    1,102


We already have increased rate of GP loss, this is enough. The loss is twice higher than usualy. 

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Mickymausi    5

the people did not cash the rank and to be honest 5 * first it takes at least 2 months. General is again 3-5 months and beyond that it is simply not possible as long as they play actively and these GP differences have to go away because otherwise it will be for new players or for players who change their character it is impossible to get up there.



do me a favor log in to EUROAION and look at the big gaps between the GP

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Mickymausi    5
6 hours ago, DevWolx said:

Not a full reset, a soft reset might be nice, as in a percentage reduction of GP so that everyone keeps his rank and new players have chance to catch up.

yes soft reset is ok but 

not so that one says with all 50% but with TOP 30 that up to 60% with the governor that would be ok because the big GP distances have to be shortened.

and EUROAION TEAM I say it again the people did not cash the GP like back then at GAMEFORGE you can just reset or soft reset

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Haku    29

A full reset would make several people ragequit, but a 20 or 30% cut might not be too bad every once in a while. The daily decay isn't always fast enough for a server where people come and go every few months.

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