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Stop act like a retail server ( Many suggestion )

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Sharkan    4


Guys, stop reply to all suggestion that is not gonna happen because it's a retail like.


People full geared just leave the game because there is nothing to do.


- Shugo consol.

- Augment the timer of .recharger.

- Make a .morph or at least, add some candy, panda is so boring atm.

- Make some event PvP daily, at least weekly with rewards ?

- Add rewards in JMR/Kamar, like a box with chance to get L120, 30 mins queue to go in dred, da fuck no one apply without rewards.

- Quest daily pvp ? ( Kill 5 general / 20 Elyos/asmodian ) with good reward or something like this to motivate people to pvp.

- Add skin, shield fire king is here, even the water one but not other weapon ?

- Reduce amount of viewer for streamer ? Like 100 viewer = 500 ecoins, 200 = 1000 with a cap at 5000 ecoins ? Only few people earn more than 500, it take times, so a lot of less stream than before.


Lot of people make suggestion, you just ignore everything from your playerbase, dont ask why the server will decrease after even if we love it :/

Edited by Sharkan
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Naydraug    4

I agree on this one, make a constant event that promotes open world activity.

That "arena ranking" is honestly useless and I do not even know why it exists, but i guess it is fine however it only promotes the geared mainly further.

If there were like weekly/daily quests for PvP in Katalam etc then people would even make LFG parties for pvp, it would promote zerging sure but that is still better than an empty open world.

Edited by Naydraug
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Sharkan    4

I love this serv, but they are doing mistake after mistake, put tempering event was the biggest mistake btw. But they have to keep the playerbase and they are not doing anything for that :/

Edited by Sharkan

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TheAlmighty    1,135
3 hours ago, Sharkan said:


Guys, stop reply to all suggestion that is not gonna happen because it's a retail like.


People full geared just leave the game because there is nothing to do.


- Shugo consol.

- Augment the timer of .recharger.

- Make a .morph or at least, add some candy, panda is so boring atm.

- Make some event PvP daily, at least weekly with rewards ?

- Add rewards in JMR/Kamar, like a box with chance to get L120, 30 mins queue to go in dred, da fuck no one apply without rewards.

- Quest daily pvp ? ( Kill 5 general / 20 Elyos/asmodian ) with good reward or something like this to motivate people to pvp.

- Add skin, shield fire king is here, even the water one but not other weapon ?

- Reduce amount of viewer for streamer ? Like 100 viewer = 500 ecoins, 200 = 1000 with a cap at 5000 ecoins ? Only few people earn more than 500, it take times, so a lot of less stream than before.


Lot of people make suggestion, you just ignore everything from your playerbase, dont ask why the server will decrease after even if we love it :/


All these questions have been answered many times:
-Functioning of the Shugo Console depends fully and only on the anticheat. We have already reported it, but there seems to be no progress. We are not the creators of both anticheat and shugo console;

-Recharger timing is now set accoring to the other server events (sieges, arenas and so on), we can't allow it to be on when there's something else. If we do, soon we will get a bunch of complains about players sitting on one spot near recharger.

-The command .morph is not available on this type of the server built. Therefore it can't be added. We wil discuss adding some other candies though.

-We are working on the events, both pvp and not pvp. Can't tell how soon it will happen, but we are trying to make it asap.

-For the dreds and arenas we have standard rewards.

-If these were possible and that easy implemented, they would have already been available

-They are items from much higher version and require additional work.

-New rules and restrictions for the streamers were made as the amount of the players applying for coins became just enormous. We had to spend several days a week on proceeding these requests and just postpone other important work. We cannot afford it. 

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Sharkan    4



So :


- Shugo consol is ask since begin but never gonna happen.

- You dont want to put recharger for player who just want to pvp, this type of player are just gonna leave u understand that right ? Because there is no open world pvp since there is no reward, people dont go pvp except wednesday to make camp. People dont come to your serv to make pve or something, they just want to pvp. No one will complain, people who wanna duel can, other can make something else too. Its not like no one will open pvp because of that, because no one already go open pvp.

- Command morph impossible, ok but guys, we are asking for new candies since 6 months minimum.

- Event PvP is good, 1 point for Gryfondor.

- Dred, u should, if possible increase reward, people dont make group to do them bc reward suck, why pvp when make 1 zumita in tiamaranta eyes give more than a win in dred ?


For the rest i will not answer, no sense. Just guys, you are the most popular server in Europe actually, maybe u were not ready to this amount of player, but if u want to still at top, u will need to do much more or people are gonna leave. Too much people have already, look on website, discord of aion account, they all leave beacause nothing to do when we are gear.



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TheAlmighty    1,135
2 hours ago, Sharkan said:

- Shugo consol is ask since begin but never gonna happen.

I'm sorry, but just tired from this question. As told, we are not the ones to modify anticheat. As well as payment systens. We just don't own them. All we can do is to make requests as you do it now.

2 hours ago, Sharkan said:

- You dont want to put recharger for player who just want to pvp, this type of player are just gonna leave u understand that right ?

What about situation when people will start leaving because players don't participate in other game events but are just sitting in kamar?


2 hours ago, Sharkan said:

- Command morph impossible, ok but guys, we are asking for new candies since 6 months minimum.

We will add them asap.

Thinking on the rewards. Can't tell anything now. 

2 hours ago, Sharkan said:

- Dred, u should, if possible increase reward, people dont make group to do them bc reward suck, why pvp when make 1 zumita in tiamaranta eyes give more than a win in dred ?

Still don't think it is possible as we are 

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yujnx    20

Why add new candies though? It would be better to replace it with something that doesn't change appearance IMO. Since a lot of people don't like that aspect and it makes to sense to buy skins and so on. In order to make some sort of balance with that, also make you guys gain more profit with selling skins, the best choice would be to imply this instead of the usual candy. It doesn't change appearance and has almost the same stats as candy in terms of attack and cast speed. 5% drop boost isn't even significant to be called "op" for a daily item.

Also, adding some amount stigma shards as daily reward would be better for the player base with cancerous prices of shards. I know you told us you won't do anything with them, and probably really tired of that topic, but it's really not okay, and it makes people leave, since it stupid to spend ~14kk to simply change their build. 5-7kk would make more sense for example. It's especially problematic for support classes like cleric/chanter (which are already expensive to gear up etc). You guys say you're retail like, but even on retail shards were cheap af. I don't think people should be wary of that aspect ("i don't wanna play *class name* because it's expensive to change build all the time" "i can't come to *instance name* because i need to change build on *class name* and i can't afford it atm" - really heard some ppl saying it, and the list goes on), especially on a private server. I don't main a support class but have an alt chanter, and even for an alt it creates problems.

ty in advance for the answer.

Edited by yujnx
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Razoroses    6
6 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


-For the dreds and arenas we have standard rewards.

-If these were possible and that easy implemented, they would have already been available


on retail they had arena tickets on cash shop so at least if we were bored we could pay to  1 vs 1 at least even tho thats ridiculus but here we cant even do that. and most of times  1 vs 1 arena queue pop and the enemy passes  and we get no opponent and we lose our ticket... so all private servers allow players to do arenas even retail makes u pay to do more arenas but w.e at least people can do arenas here we are stuck 1 arena per day... and most of times people pass we get nobody.

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Cosy    8
6 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

-Recharger timing is now set accoring to the other server events (sieges, arenas and so on), we can't allow it to be on when there's something else. If we do, soon we will get a bunch of complains about players sitting on one spot near recharger.

We should try at least.


About eob and kamar, where is the 2nd CD like retail ? We are still waiting ....

We appreciate the game but it's boring sometimes, we don't have enough pvp and even if it's a private serv, we have the feeling that the staff  don't really want to satisfy players ... :(

6 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

-New rules and restrictions for the streamers were made as the amount of the players applying for coins became just enormous. We had to spend several days a week on proceeding these requests and just postpone other important work. We cannot afford it. 

If it's too hard, hire ppl in your team, you can't keep the same staff number for 500 to 2k players !

Why players has to be impacted when it's a management problem ?


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TheAlmighty    1,135

We cannot hire more people. And giving away that much coins for that many players is not healthy as well.

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minibloxxx    1

hey thealmighty! first of all thanks for the great server. the concern about pvp lacking (both open world and structured like arenas) are rising everyday. u cant do much to make people go in open world...but arena tickets? thats an easy solution dont you think? why dont you send us a ticket every 2 hours online like you do with candy for example? or just send 5/10 per day to everyone? that should be doable,it does nothing bad and just gets us more pvp

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Sharkan    4

Hi @TheAlmighty,

- For shugo consol, ok, you cannot do anything if they dont moove their ass.

- Like @Cosy said, you cannot know if you dont try. You prefer people to leave the game than see them playing your game at sarpan ? It can be an option meanwhile the staff is working on good permanent pvp event. Because for the moment, open world pvp is almost dead. We just have one ticket arena per day.

- For the candy, adding candy it's the minimum. But like @yujnx said, put only vinna can be an option, no need .morph then, people will buy skin in shop etc.

- Adding reward in dred is impossible, fine, but if the suggestion that we give cannot be apply, find some alternative guys to make people play, to make people pvp, we all came for that !

- For the stream, an option have to be worked, people where streaming, making 200-300 viewers is still good publicity for you, now that you increase the amount of viewer, there is less stream on twitch. But yup, you cannot manage a server of 500/2000 the same way.



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Razoroses    6
10 hours ago, minibloxxx said:

 why dont you send us a ticket every 2 hours online like you do with candy for example? or just send 5/10 per day to everyone? that should be doable,it does nothing bad and just gets us more pvp

great idea would rather get a pvp arena ticket for being online then a panda candy 

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Cosy    8
13 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

We cannot hire more people. And giving away that much coins for that many players is not healthy as well.

So it's healthier to make people pay for such things like 30 days title or 400e coins for reskin/rename tickets....why ? :(

And don't say people aren't force to buy title, it's something necessary in pvp.

About ecoins, people don't need 5k ecoins, 1k or 2k are enough if more ppl can get them.

Moreover, about the staff, why can't you recruit more people for your team ? I saw Antonio and you complaning about the amont of work.

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Sharkan    4

Yup, 1k ecoins was the maximum at begin and it was more healthy than now for sure, every one was playing, streaming a bit and gearing himself. Imagine just new player actually, impossible :/

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TheAlmighty    1,135
5 hours ago, Cosy said:

So it's healthier to make people pay for such things like 30 days title or 400e coins for reskin/rename tickets....why ? :(

And don't say people aren't force to buy title, it's something necessary in pvp.

About ecoins, people don't need 5k ecoins, 1k or 2k are enough if more ppl can get them.

Moreover, about the staff, why can't you recruit more people for your team ? I saw Antonio and you complaning about the amont of work.

We are not going to try it and lead the server to the one with players sitting in one location.

Regarding us complaining - we are not. There are just things we are not supposed to do and don't have time for this. We solve the issues that we have to solve, and they are enough for us. 

We are not interested in dead streams.
We set the consitions that are profitable for the project.
We are not interested in the streams for the sake of the streams themselves either. The task of the streams is to increase the population of the server.
We will not change the conditions of cooperation (maybe in a stricter way only).

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Candy that doesn't change appearance is the way to go !

And fire/water dragon weapons skins as rewards for shugo imp.. ups


Edited by Cestghettoici

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Cosy    8
3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

Regarding us complaining - we are not. There are just things we are not supposed to do and don't have time for this. We solve the issues that we have to solve, and they are enough for us. => Yes you did and antonioo complained also.

We are not interested in dead streams. => what about boonk's stream ? yeah rly good contents with botviewers.
We set the consitions that are profitable for the project.
We are not interested in the streams for the sake of the streams themselves either. The task of the streams is to increase the population of the server. => boonk ?

And what about :

9 hours ago, Cosy said:

So it's healthier to make people pay for such things like 30 days title or 400e coins for reskin/rename tickets....why ? :(

And don't say people aren't force to buy title, it's something necessary in pvp.


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yujnx    20
2 часа назад, rezan сказал:

what about the cancer that exploit morheim mobs, not it is not like retail you cant see 65 lv trash with lv 10 on follow cuz on retail they ban every acc that exploited it no it is not like retail cuz on retail you cant find that much CHEATERS exploiting and not playing fair 

some sample of the cnacer that plagues morheim 24/7 


Btw, what's that thing with farming Morheim mobs? Is it those on the mushroom or what? I played as asmo long time ago on this version and I barely remember.

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Konoyaro    71

Please don't add extra arena tickets to shop, only if glory point is removed from them. I want competent people in top 100 not whales. I went alot of sieges, instances and arenas just to get close to top 100, this would be unfair.

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Ellowain    78

Are world events not a thing? I saw the rabbit hunt thing over Easter and was sorry to have missed out on it. Was it a bust?

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TheAlmighty    1,135


No, we are not going to add more arena ticket or entrances, because it will be too much rewards. Only with cutting glory points.

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TheAlmighty    1,135

P.S. Many players now farm arena unfairly and with such changes there will be even more such players. 

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