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Alt-Tab and FPS issue

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kaan6758    0

Hello, I am looking for solutions about 2 problems.

 1st problem :

When Alt-Tabbing or try to change the graphic settings, a black screen appears. I've tried all the solution suggestions but the problem still exists.

-I did everything have mentioned here : 

 The problem still exists.

- I did all the suggestions here: 

I've activated "windowfullscreen" in "SystemOptionGraphics.cfg" file and now, I can alt-tabbing but still cannot change options and use some in-game contents. 

 The problem only exists in this game and one of my friends have the same problem(he has the same system as mine)

CPU:Ryzen 3600x  GPU: 5600xt RAM:16gb ,win10

2nd problem: 

FPS is always "60" but  "Fixed FPS"  option is not marked.

Thanks in advance.




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Konoyaro    71

5600 XT users have problems with Aion (and many other games as well) unfortunately. Essentially AMDs bad driver here the problem, but with every update they fix a few of these catastrophic issues.

Use config editor to set anything you would like to. For example this:

To uncap FPS enter the following config into SystemOptionGraphics.cfg: G_MAXFPS = "0"

Make sure both SystemOptionsGraphics and system.cfg files are denied in file writing (selecting read only is not enough). Use file permissons. The game will not able to reset it in any way. In exchange setting anything in the game will be forgotten after exit.

I hope it helps.

Edited by Konoyaro
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Vey    3

What lines should i change to be able to play in borderless mode, in teh system.cfg file ? I am having same problems with RX 5600XT

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Vey    3

OK, so i managed to get this working ; first of all, i am running  the game on a R5 3600 with an RX5600XT GPU , so this solution should work for every navi card ; The trick is to go into windowed mode, but once you try to do it with a navi GPU, the screen goes black on alt-tab; luckly, i have another PC, with a 1660TI GPU , so i just changed the settings on that PC to window mode and copied the  System and SystemOptionGraphics .cfg files into the 5600xt machine ; Works perfect for me !

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