List of possible problems with the launcher and game client
First of all it is necessary to download and install all the software listed lower, even if you are sure that it is already installed on your PC.
1 - DirectX. A sufficient version of the program (June, 2008) can be downloaded from the website . Open the file and choose any folder where the file will be unpacked. Then go to the folder and open the installing file .exe, it will install the program if necessary. ATTENTION! After you launch the downloaded file, it will ask you to provide the path for the unpacking of the files. One more time: it is only unpacking! After the unpacking you must open the provided folder and launch the installation with the file DXSETUP.
2 - Microsoft Visual C++ Download and install the necessary components from here.
3 - Download and install NET Framework. Download it exactly from this link as it is necessary for the correct working of the launchar of the game!   As a rule, 99% of all the problems (if you have all the listed above software installed) are solved by the full checking of the game client with the launcher. So, in case you are facing some issues, first of all check your game client!   Download game launcher and check the game!
Possible problems with the game client: "CrySystem.dll Loading Failed" (and other .dll files)

Install DirectX as is it advised in the beginning of the topic. "AionClient has stopped working" (Win7, 32-bit, aion.bin crash)"
Install DirectX as is it advised in the beginning of the topic. "Critical error: error loading DLL: CrySoundSystem.dll error code 127"
a) Delete the file CrySoundSystem.dll in the folder /bin32 and in the folder /bin64. Check the client with the launcher;
b) Install DirectX as is it advised in the beginning of the topic. "AionClient - Has stopped working/a problem caused program to stop working correctly" with SendLogClient window
a) Install DirectX as is it advised in the beginning of the topic + the latest version from the official website;
b) Install the latest drivers for your video-card. "Critical error: error loading DLL: Game.dll. error code 14001"
"Runtime Error!"
Install Microsoft Visual C++ as is it advised in the beginning of the topic. “No game server is available to the authorization server” or “Cannot connect to the authorization server” 

a) Delete the folders bin32, bin64 and update the client with the launcher;
b) It is possible that you are using extra routers to access to the Internet, or active firewall blocks aion.bin processes or its ports. You must add aion.bin to the exceptions and provide the access to every port over TCP protocol. “You have been disconnected from the server”

a) Disable your anti-virus (better uninstall it for some time) and check for changes;
b) the server is offline;
c) you have an internet problem. “My characters are not displayed”
Check the client with the launcher. "Critical error: error loading DLL: Game.dll error code 193.
Delete the file Game.dll in the folders /bin32 and /bin64. Update the client. “Aion.bin not found”
a) Update the game with the launcher;
b) Delete the folders bin32, bin64 and update the game. “x:\Document and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\~.tmp” not found
Решение: The best way is to reinstall Windows. "This program is unavailable in your country"

"1024"/"Failed to initialize the game"

Solution: Delete the folders /L10N, bin32, bin64 and all the files in the game folder (only files, not folders). Check the game with the launcher.  The game is in Korean or crashes after NCSOFT screen.
Solution: Delete the folders /L10N, bin32, bin64 and all the files in the game folder (only files, not folders). Check the game with the launcher. "(1023) Failed to set graphic acceleration preferences"

Install the latest drivers for your video card. "Error: _version.ini not found"
Check the game with the launcher. "Error opening .bin file"
Add the game folder to the white list of your anti-virus program. "Wrong login/password"
a)The problem is in the password/login. Log in on our website and check if the same data is entered into the launcher. Check the text language. 
b) Go to the website and choose "Forgot password". Restore the password with the email. Enter the game right after.
c) If restore doesn't change the password: you're using the wrong email/username. "No error, the game doesn’t start"
a) Run the game as an Administrator;
b) Install DirectX as is it advised in the beginning of the topic. "Black screen with sound on the logging in stage and the music is playing"
a) Delete the files system.cfg, SystemOptionGraphics.cfg from the game folder. Start the game;
b) Start menu -> run -> regedit -> ok, then in the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aion\Client\ find SystemInfo and delete it.

"The mouse is laggy, jumps to the center and camera is limited to 180°"
Remove Overwolf component of the programTS3. "Virtual Machine detected. Code 0x14(0).

a) Open Control panel -> Programs and features -> on the left side of the window press "Turn Windows features on or off" -> disable "Virtual Machine Platform" and "Windows Sandbox" features.
b) Enter BIOS/UEFI and switch off the VM feature. Windows corrupted (Patch guard is turned off), Game start is impossible. Code 0x7(9021)

a) Press WIN+R, write msconfig -> press enter; go to the Boot tab and choose Windows 10.
b) If you don't have any boot variants in there, the only way to fix the problem is to reinstall Windows. Launch error, please, close all games!3

Solution: a) Disable Startup of Third-party App:
Jointly hold Windows & R hotkeys -> In the void box type "msconfig" -> OK -> switch to the Services tab and mark the Hide All Microsoft Services checkbox present at the bottom ->click on Disable All button.
Then go to the Startup tab and click on Open Task Manager -> select the 3rd party applications running within the PC and hit the Disable button -> OK.
b) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls
c) In Windows 10 disable kernel isolation:
Search bar -> type "run" and open the application -> type regedit -> OK
Search for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/DeviceGuard/Scenarios/HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity  and change the parameter Enable from 1 to 0 
Reboot the PC If the upper fix doesn't help, then the problem is caused by some new Windows update.
In this case you need to delete that update: Settings -> Update and Security -> Windows Updates Center -> Update history Delete the update from the screenshot below and the other updates from the same date (your date may differ).   Game crash/black screen when pressing alt+tab / can't change graphic settings:
Go to the game folder and open the file "SystemOptionGraphics.cfg" with Notepad -> Find the parameter "Windowfullscreen" and set it to "1". The launcher continues downloading over the limit
a) Add the game to the white list of all your antimalware programs inclusind Windows defender and in firewall. Reboot the PC and start the launcher.
b) Right ckick on the game folder -> Properties -> Remove the checkmark from the attribute "read only" -> OK. Start the launcher.

Update error! (1) + Active anticheat version is old, please update! 3

Solution: a) Download new launcher from our website -> download. Put the launcher in the game folder instead of the old launcher. b) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls c) Check the path to the game in the launcher settings. It should correspond to that where the game is. Avoid using Cyrillics and other symbols apart English d) Check the game files with torrent e) Right click on the game folder -> properties -> remove the attribute "read only" and apply changes to all the folders and files inside. f) Run the launcher with the administrator's rights. g) Search -> Manage browser Add-ons -> security tab -> trusted sites -> Sites ->  remove the checkmark from "require server verification (http:)  add the link for the website ->close -> apply. Error occurred: Game intrusion detected, code: 0х3(0)    (the text in the error may slightly differ)
Solution:  a) Make sure you're not using any programs affecting the game
b) Disable overlay programs (such as Discord, TeamSpeak (Overwolf), Raidcall, Steam, Mumble)
c) The error can also be caused by some VPNs. Can't unload critical files, please, close all games! 1

a) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls
b) Check the path to the game in the launcher settings. It should correspond to that where the game is. Avoid using Cyrillics and other symbols apart English
c) Right click on the game folder -> properties -> remove the attribute "read only" and apply changes to all the folders and files inside.
d) In Windows 10 disable kernel isolation:
Search bar -> type "run" and open the application -> type regedit -> OK
Search for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/DeviceGuard/Scenarios/HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity  and change the parameter Enable from 1 to 0 
Reboot the PC The Instruction at 0x00000 Referenced Memory at 0x00000. Memory cannot be "read"/"written"

a) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls
For 32bit systems with RAM <4gb
1) open command prompt with administrator's rights (search -> cmd -> right click -> run as Administrator)
2) Type bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
3) Enter -> reboot the PC.
Error when preparing x64 game! 5 / Error when preparing game 3! 

a) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls
b) Check the path to the game in the launcher settings. It should correspond to that where the game is. Avoid using Cyrillics and other symbols apart English
c) Right click on the game folder -> properties -> remove the attribute "read only" and apply changes to all the folders and files inside. Updater error! (1) / Active Anticheat version is old, update files! 3

a) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls;
b) Check the path to the game in the launcher settings. It should correspond to that where the game is. Avoid using Cyrillics and other symbols apart English;
c) Right click on the game folder -> properties -> remove the attribute "read only" and apply changes to all the folders and files inside.
d) Start the game with administrator's rights;
e) Download a new launcher from -> Download, and put it in the game folder instead of the old file. Sendlogs
a) Make sure that the graphic settings are optimal for your computer;
b) Change graphic engine in the graphic settings of the game to "Default" (High Quality engine can cause problems);
c) Install the programs listed in the start of the topic;
d) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls;
e) Remove all modifications from the game, if you did them (sound, interface, graphics etc.). In this case you may need to redownload the game;
f) Make sure that no other program is interfering the game (dps meters, synapse, programs for recoding videos, screenshots, overlays, filters, etc.);
g) Unfortunately, this information is not exhaustive, as sendlogs can be also caused by any software installed on the PC or by the settings and hardware of your PC Update problems (preparing for download, download interrupted, server gave the wrong file) Solution:
a) Make sure that you don't have the other copy of the game running. If you do, you'd want to close all the game windows and start the launcher;
b) Whitelist the game in all your antimalware programs (including standard windows defender) and firewalls;
c) Install the programs listed in the start of the topic;
d) Use a VPN.
e) Remove read-only attribute: right click on the game folder -> properties - > remove the checkmark from "Read only" and apply the change to all the inner files and folders. Protection launch error (3, [87, 0x00000057]): The parameter is incorrect.
Disable core isolation following the instructions: Character staying in "shadow" in character creation / flickering character creation.
Change graphic engine to "Default".