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Jesp    4

Hello everyone!

TWINKY WINKY is a legion looking for twinks for Fun, PVP, Dredgions, Sieges, etc.

/w Bep, Bup, Jesp, Zottu with your Twink character if you want to be added! 

  • What's a twink? 

A twink is a character that stays at low levels and buys PVP gear, Twinks can even kill Lv 65s if they're good enough. It's just to have fun.

For example, a Twink Lv. 50 has to have Abyss PVP gear, PVP accessories from a camp in Besluslan, Tahabata weapon fused with Abyss PVP weapon.
But there is more variety, some people prefer to stay at Lv 55, 40, & more!


Edited by Jesp
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Stelmi    8


Are there any Asmo,Ely Twinks who stay at 50 and have fun with each other on dredgions? :)



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Sentry    29
9 hours ago, Stelmi said:


Are there any Asmo,Ely Twinks who stay at 50 and have fun with each other on dredgions? :)



Nope, you can do some 1vs1 and most of them are not twinks, they are only looking to do the 1 kill mission to get EXP.
Unfortunately this server is not made for twinks and it is a shame, as it is my favorite way to have fun but 2 hours of waiting every day not to enter any Dregion is depressing.

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