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Nemiko    24

I wanted to offer, well, in general this is not the actual proposal, but just a way to improve the comfort for players in terms of pvp and pve.

This situation in general ... Can you change a certain factor (although it works on offsets) but it really, really creates discomfort, in particular for melee (and long, yes yes...) classes.

The problem is that when approaching the enemy, you cannot start to hit him at maximum distances (for example, I, Asasin, I have a maximum distance of 2 meters). When approaching 2 meters while running after my opponent, I can’t start to make strikes, on the contrary, my panel at a distance of 2 meters from it turns black (as if you can’t use skills (what exactly causes the inscription "Target too far", and only when approaching 1 meter I can already use skills.

It really hinders the game, believe me, very ...

If you could remove the problem so that when approaching to the maximum distance, my panel would not go into the “Target too far” state and immediately start using skills, it would be much better for all classes, including.


Here i have a few prooves about this problem.



P.S - I already talked with moderators, but they told me that this is difficult to do (basically all answers like one) , and yet I wanted to find out personally from you, the administrator, if it is possible to suspect it because it’s very painful in the heart to play with such mechanics = (

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Desperation    6

thats why i didnt start templar in this update. 4.6 is garbage for melees. Unplayable for a lot of ppl to run without extend if you dont have 30ms or lower, and even with this issue happens y.

It's a lot about balance also: it's easy easier to kite with range class than to chase as melee - you need to follow directions of your enemy, and these range errors hit hard. And considering all of this melee must have way more damage than range ones. But it is not like this somehow. Maybe only sins under full buffs, they also have more speed, but about plates this situation is sad. Good extandable weapons for plates and sins with pvp stats would solve problem.


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Konoyaro    71

It was always like this even on retail, because what you see, is client based info, while in reality on the server you are more behind because of your latency.

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Nemiko    24
20 минут назад, Konoyaro сказал:

It was always like this even on retail, because what you see, is client based info, while in reality on the server you are more behind because of your latency.

Yes, I’m in the know, and yet how many years have passed, it’s time to understand what’s good and what’s bad, and get rid of it ourselves, the Koreans have not decided for a long time here, and if there is an opportunity to eliminate something that clearly interferes with the game, why would it not to do if for example many will agree with me.

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Konoyaro    71

I just usually run on them a bit more to hit, I don't believe my eye but my sense of my average latency. It's not good I know but you can get used to it.

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This not only have you such problems this have all even have distant skilov under movement get minus 1 meter,this can be solve if all players add skilam one meter the honestly will, but navryat whether this will make

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TheAlmighty    1,151

This is all due to the different timing. Can be easily noticed when running 2 clients at once. 

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Nemiko    24
4 часа назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

This is all due to the different timing. Can be easily noticed when running 2 clients at once. 

Is that possible to remake this function?

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Nemiko    24
18 часов назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

This is all due to the different timing. Can be easily noticed when running 2 clients at once. 

Btw, in this logic, we need to think that Dummy is second client?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
2 hours ago, Nemiko said:

Btw, in this logic, we need to think that Dummy is second client?


You move in relative the dummy and on this point the coordinates are counted and get changed. Visually you're in one point, while for the server in another. 

This process is affected by your movement and attack speed as well as by the connection (ping) and general load of your PC. 

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Nemiko    24
7 часов назад, TheAlmighty сказал:


You move in relative the dummy and on this point the coordinates are counted and get changed. Visually you're in one point, while for the server in another. 

This process is affected by your movement and attack speed as well as by the connection (ping) and general load of your PC. 

nice nice, so can you fix that, one more this question?


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Jear    4
11 часов назад, Nemiko сказал:

nice nice, so can you fix that, one more this question?


But how can this be fixed?)) Is it possible to give you a new Computer, and put you to play right in the room with the game server in the data center :D

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Desperation    6
28 minutes ago, Jear said:

But how can this be fixed?)) Is it possible to give you a new Computer, and put you to play right in the room with the game server in the data center :D

Obtainable extend weapons with pvp stats partly will help. Every melee must have extend weapon to make balance a little better.

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Nemiko    24
1 час назад, Jear сказал:

But how can this be fixed?)) Is it possible to give you a new Computer, and put you to play right in the room with the game server in the data center :D

I have 19-22 ping and i already live near the server, so dont need to say me that the problem is in the distance of me and server, this is a lie.

Edited by Nemiko
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Konoyaro    71

You can't fix this, Aion is like this since beta. Shitty programming of the game by NCSoft, you need to adapt or reroll to another class, no solution.

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Not sue if it can be even possible. Too many factors on the side of the player and the game is actually built like that.

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