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How is loot/dropbuff working EXACTLY?

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Luyanara    9

Hey im wondering for quite a long time how loot/drop is working exactly - especially with buffs.

To Clarify:

Elim-amulet II gives 50% increased droprate

Lucy Vinna increases chance to drop by 20%

Is that the same kind of droprateincrease or is lucky vinna dropchance and elim dropamount?

And How are these things working in a group? Does it depend on Loot distribution options?

If I'm only guy in 6man-grp using Vinna all mobs have 20% more dropchance or only every 6th mob wich is distributed to me by loot distribution?

Can I affect this by Leaderloot and how does it work with FFA loot?

Would be cool if someone has a reliable answer to this maybe even with a source. There are alot ppl that think they know how it works, but i dont know anyone who can answer for sure.

Edited by Luyanara

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YEG    8

I don't think admins will answer on those mechanics, the only reason u have is to make yours ownes recherches or find the work of another... Fine a mob witch u have the drop rate (obviously a decent drop rate, or u will have to do really long series of farming to have ur answers)  (previously the aion database was complete and could give you a lot of information on every drop rates of every mob)


It is sad if admins didn't anwser on this cuz they have a commend on the serv to know the drops rates.

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TheAlmighty    1,135

Inscrease of the drop chance is not the increase of the drop itself.

If in the drop the chance of getting of item is 5%, then with the additional +50% the chance will be 7.5%

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