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Cross-class remodel

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ldfilip    47

Hello, I would like to ask, how do I find out which set skins from the store can be used for cross-class remodelling? I just saw a sorcerer wearing 65 daevanion chain set skin and for example, i once bought drenium plate set and couldnt use it on chain (ages ago). In game I got an opinion that sets with "NPC" in name can be cross remodelled... Is this true?

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Booblik    132
16 минут назад, ldfilip сказал:

Hello, I would like to ask, how do I find out which set skins from the store can be used for cross-class remodelling? I just saw a sorcerer wearing 65 daevanion chain set skin and for example, i once bought drenium plate set and couldnt use it on chain (ages ago). In game I got an opinion that sets with "NPC" in name can be cross remodelled... Is this true?

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Copy the id from the store and paste it into the game, it will show you the capabilities of the item

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ldfilip    47
11 minutes ago, sophisticated said:


All items from the "Suits" category can be remodeled to all types of armour.

Hello, that I know, but what about "Sets" category?

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sophisticated    241
31 минуту назад, ldfilip сказал:

Hello, that I know, but what about "Sets" category?

Same, can be remodeled for all types of armour. 

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