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D3m0tiviert    0

Hey there,

I started playing awhile ago and I normally have a 150-200 ping ingame, then someone told me to install "leatrix latency fix". Since then I have a ping of 80-120, still not really better... And its definitely isn't because of my net. In retail aion my ping normally was at 15-30.

So what can I do? It's literally unplayable for me.. 

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sophisticated    241
31 минуту назад, D3m0tiviert сказал:

Hey there,

I started playing awhile ago and I normally have a 150-200 ping ingame, then someone told me to install "leatrix latency fix". Since then I have a ping of 80-120, still not really better... And its definitely isn't because of my net. In retail aion my ping normally was at 15-30.

So what can I do? It's literally unplayable for me.. 

As you pointed out earlier, you can use apps to stabilise your ping. Also, please tell me if you have tried playing on proxy servers? 

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D3m0tiviert    0

Well, since I am using these apps to stabalise, I'm having trouble with ingame pings in other games. And the number of disconnects is rapidly rising. So I deinstalled it again.

Playing on proxy server? how?

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sophisticated    241
32 минуты назад, D3m0tiviert сказал:

Well, since I am using these apps to stabalise, I'm having trouble with ingame pings in other games. And the number of disconnects is rapidly rising. So I deinstalled it again.

Playing on proxy server? how?

Here is our completed guide 


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Raiden    23

когда вы планируете решить проблему с шиго?))) после каждого дера йорика камара бежит шиго и сразу вылет, каждый раз приходится перезаходить на смену акка , либо грузить заново клиент если прожал на выход....и такая фигня уже почти месяц

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