
Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

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Ellowain    78

Will there be another way to earn ecoins, besides streaming (which ppl also cheat at, and earn more than a peasants 5 coin per day). 

Kiss EA's rating bye-bye. Who is going to waste their time voting for free? 

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TheAlmighty    1,151


There are still other methods to help to the server: donation and streaming. 
For the coins themselves, they can still be exchanged by kinah in game from the other players. 

Streamers get checked weekly and many unfair players were expelled from the cooperation program. The coins get counted by us according to the stats of the streamer, as well as according to the streams themselves. That's why we ask every streamer to keep all the videos from their past streams. 

Regarding the "voting for free", we fully understand the consequences of such changes. We understand that no one will do it for free, however all the reasons for this step were listed. We will still keep the server in the ratings, even without the help from the other users. 

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Ellowain    78

So, only wallet warriors can win because the divide between paying players and non-paying will be even worse.

Tell me, what new player wants to start on a server where everyone is geared and you must go through the whales of the eCoin Mafia to get items that arent even available through gameplay?

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Sentry    29

Every major change you make to the game only serves to destroy it a little more.

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Psycoo    5
Why are we punished for cheaters ?
You guys can try the add 1 month after account creation you can vote. this is much better. try new ways only banning not the solution or  closing from the root
I love this server ı would like to give free vote but this is not we deserved so ım sorry ''no coin no vote'' ı do not wanna see 2kk ea
that system have  years and years suddenly closing will damage game economy and players... that is not the best choice almighty you know that please re think and lets find together new ways to stop them 
Edited by Psycoo

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TheAlmighty    1,151
7 hours ago, Ellowain said:

So, only wallet warriors can win because the divide between paying players and non-paying will be even worse.

Tell me, what new player wants to start on a server where everyone is geared and you must go through the whales of the eCoin Mafia to get items that arent even available through gameplay?



The amount of items that MAY affect the game in the shop is minimum. And getting all them with sole voting would monthly would not be possible in any case, unless you're cheating on the votes yourself. 

There are still the other ways to support the project. 

4 hours ago, Psycoo said:
Why are we punished for cheaters ?
You guys can try the add 1 month after account creation you can vote. this is much better. try new ways only banning not the solution or  closing from the root
I love this server ı would like to give free vote but this is not we deserved so ım sorry ''no coin no vote'' ı do not wanna see 2kk ea
that system have  years and years suddenly closing will damage game economy and players... that is not the best choice almighty you know that please re think and lets find together new ways to stop them 

Could you please tell what would the limit of 1 month change to for the vote cheaters? They may just wait 1 month and keep going. Not even levelling up a char to level 65 would change anything. For more reasons, please, refer to the original announcement. 

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Ellowain    78
30 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:


The amount of items that MAY affect the game in the shop is minimum. And getting all them with sole voting would monthly would not be possible in any case, unless you're cheating on the votes yourself. 

There are still the other ways to support the project. 

Could you please tell what would the limit of 1 month change to for the vote cheaters? They may just wait 1 month and keep going. Not even levelling up a char to level 65 would change anything. For more reasons, please, refer to the original announcement. 

I'm sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. My friends and I voted each day and would save all month for one socket box to finish a weapon, or for a 3-day drop boost (not available in game) or 200% xp amulets (not available in game) or 200% crafting amulet (also not available to normal players) then cabinets for our studios (2 weeks each). It was VERY possible to get good items from voting. 

What other items give obvious advantage and now are pay-to-win only and are impossible to get in game?

- Titles that give permanent, in-game stats

- Candies that give in game stats

- Pets that use 6 scrolls

- Rollback scrolls for extra GP each week

- Every item on the PREMIUM page

This has become a pay-to-win server, while already suffering from crippling inflation. It's just a fact.

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Psycoo    5

You said “we after baning them when they do vote cheating but after a while they keep doing again” I recommened to you do one Month system so you can check them much easly. if they do not 65 İn a month you can check them if they are  cheating or not much trustable and good  Than before. İf you do not Change your mind there will be also increasing stream abusing amd cheating destroying game econmy please answer to ellowain and me

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Ellowain    78

It wouldn't be Pay-to-Win if the only items on shop were skins, stat-less, or were items you could earn by grinding the game. But that is not the case. This breaks the playability of the game for all new players who don't want to spend their lunch money on this. 

Edited by Ellowain
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TheAlmighty    1,151
16 hours ago, Psycoo said:

You said “we after baning them when they do vote cheating but after a while they keep doing again” I recommened to you do one Month system so you can check them much easly. if they do not 65 İn a month you can check them if they are  cheating or not much trustable and good  Than before. İf you do not Change your mind there will be also increasing stream abusing amd cheating destroying game econmy please answer to ellowain and me

Please, pay attention to our message which provides the details to why it is almost impossible to catch them. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
6 hours ago, Ellowain said:

It wouldn't be Pay-to-Win if the only items on shop were skins, stat-less, or were items you could earn by grinding the game. But that is not the case. This breaks the playability of the game for all new players who don't want to spend their lunch money on this. 


That's almost all the shop. There's not even one item with stats. We've never sold any usable gear item to anyone. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
19 hours ago, Ellowain said:

I'm sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. My friends and I voted each day and would save all month for one socket box to finish a weapon, or for a 3-day drop boost (not available in game) or 200% xp amulets (not available in game) or 200% crafting amulet (also not available to normal players) then cabinets for our studios (2 weeks each). It was VERY possible to get good items from voting. 

What other items give obvious advantage and now are pay-to-win only and are impossible to get in game?

- Titles that give permanent, in-game stats

- Candies that give in game stats

- Pets that use 6 scrolls

- Rollback scrolls for extra GP each week

- Every item on the PREMIUM page

This has become a pay-to-win server, while already suffering from crippling inflation. It's just a fact.

Our game shop mostly consists of the items that don't give anyting to the stats in game. We've never sold gear or temperings, or weapons, and never will. 
All the things provided by the items you listed cannot be done with only voting. Voting was bringing 150 coins a month and it does not allow you to get everything on the list you provided. Getting one scoll a week would prevent you from getting anything else and so on. 

Value premium pack and boost drop cost 350 coins for a month, so I wonder what you mean by always having them ON with the votes. 

Please, let's not forget, that the coins are not just a currency in game, but are the reward for helping to the server. It is not as free to keep one as it is for you to enter the game. 
There are still other ways to support the server. To all this the coins are pretty often given to the players in our competitions, together with other very valuable rewards.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
19 hours ago, Ellowain said:

I'm sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. My friends and I voted each day and would save all month for one socket box to finish a weapon, or for a 3-day drop boost (not available in game) or 200% xp amulets (not available in game) or 200% crafting amulet (also not available to normal players) then cabinets for our studios (2 weeks each). It was VERY possible to get good items from voting. 

What other items give obvious advantage and now are pay-to-win only and are impossible to get in game?

- Titles that give permanent, in-game stats

- Candies that give in game stats

- Pets that use 6 scrolls

- Rollback scrolls for extra GP each week

- Every item on the PREMIUM page

This has become a pay-to-win server, while already suffering from crippling inflation. It's just a fact.

If you wetre getting all this with voting only, then we can imagine that you're just the one of the vote cheaters.

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Psycoo    5

150 Ec not so bad you know  and this is not only mean 150 ec in a month you can buy inside the game ''Ecoins'' but if you remove that tthere have 1-2k players online its mean more than 150 think like 150*1500 ecoins right ? if you remove that ec gonan increase new players cant reac easly economy gonna down why you just do not keepin that system jsut start nobody wants that ? dont you wanna player'S happynes ? ım playing since 2022 12*150ec its mean  2k ec nearly to mean not so bad for me please think another think my friend 

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Halfies    0

People clearly cant read.

The post said that the threat was that if the fraudlent voting didnt end, EuroAion would be removed from the rankings, which would mean that voting is impossible anyway, but the server would also lose a source of publicity.


At the same time we've received several warning from MMOTOP regarding the vote cheating with possible block in their ratings in the future.

Yes, this isnt an ideal change, I dont think anyone wants it. but so far none of the solutions are practical to make work. Almighty cant affect the voting website, its not a Euroaion thing. Having some complicated code that checks if an account is legit or not would be a big time investment, and would almost certainly be worked around as fast as it was written. It is possible that some other item(untradeable lucky vinna?) could be given instead of Ecoins, but i am sure that people would complain about that aswell, and allocating it to the right character would be a pain.

The shop is a different topic really, and while I would prefer that stat boosting titles and candies be removed from the shop, the fact is the server needs income to survive, and im sure some people donate for those things, and the server would make less money without them. Its also frankly unlikely that they are really affecting your competetiveness in any real way, unless you are fully geared.

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Ellowain    78
16 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

If you wetre getting all this with voting only, then we can imagine that you're just the one of the vote cheaters.

Thank you for calling me a cheater. It's very appreciated.

Let me do the math for you: 
Traveling Kitter: 230 = 7 weeks (the first thing I bought after playing here for two months)
Socket box to finish weapon: 120 coins = 2.5 weeks
2 cabinets: 120 coins = 2.5 weeks
3-Day XP boost: 35 coins= 7 days
Gathering Boost: 30 coin= 6 days

In less than 1/2 year, I was able to very easily get very helpful items while diligently voting in support of YOUR server. And I joined JUNE 2010 (3,000+ coins total) But please continue to call me a cheater for utilizing the voting system that your team wanted us to use in the first place.

Furthermore, I did start a second account in my second year. And if you want to get upset about players having multiple accounts, that is 100% your fault publicly repeating that you allow it on this server. Players complain ID being impossible to farm bc players dual box so many accounts. Admin has repeatedly stated that having many accounts is perfectly fine. So don't allow things and then turn around and call us cheaters for doing the exact thing you allow. 

Edited by Ellowain
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Ellowain    78

But I know how this goes, once admin makes a decision, it will never change.


I just hope you can truly see and fully understand how this will create a barrier for non-paying players and find an alternative way for people to earn minimal coins that isn't streaming or being a "top player" each month. There are items in the shop that every player really needs to progress at end level. Can you even imagine trying to socket 25-75mil composite stones without socket boxes? 


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