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Special maintenance 17.08

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Rysiek    4

@TheAlmighty Maybe they were reseted as u speak. But the time and effort is still there. Plus for me i did not have enough time to compensate the lags/DC with another instance run. Me and other players here were robbed of their time spent on instance listed on previous post. U do what u gotta do.

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zcpplayer    7
8 hours ago, mostafa76 said:

this is what's happening after logging in, no characters appearing


welcome to the club :D <3 reset incoming then again ddos then again reset and so on 

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nikpav    0

Okay this is getting annoying. I understand that you're doing the best you can to fix it, don't get me wrong, but I've been trying to level my character using Value Boost Pack and half of the time is up (the 7d one mind you). I can't speak for everyone of course, but my gaming time is limited due to real life obligations and the little time I spend playing this game that I love - most of the time - it's DDoS attacks/restarts. We don't need another nurse event, we need some real compensation, there are people who pay for this server too not just freebies...

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TheAlmighty    1,151
9 minutes ago, nikpav said:

Okay this is getting annoying. I understand that you're doing the best you can to fix it, don't get me wrong, but I've been trying to level my character using Value Boost Pack and half of the time is up (the 7d one mind you). I can't speak for everyone of course, but my gaming time is limited due to real life obligations and the little time I spend playing this game that I love - most of the time - it's DDoS attacks/restarts. We don't need another nurse event, we need some real compensation, there are people who pay for this server too not just freebies...

What should we do right now for you? 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
10 minutes ago, nikpav said:

Okay this is getting annoying. I understand that you're doing the best you can to fix it, don't get me wrong, but I've been trying to level my character using Value Boost Pack and half of the time is up (the 7d one mind you). I can't speak for everyone of course, but my gaming time is limited due to real life obligations and the little time I spend playing this game that I love - most of the time - it's DDoS attacks/restarts. We don't need another nurse event, we need some real compensation, there are people who pay for this server too not just freebies...

And no, the server is free. We do not make anyone to pay and make the game as much free as possible. 

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ADED    9
9 часов назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

make the game as much free as possible

Separate drop premium for each character, separate titles for each character, separate administrator's boon for each character and so on. I don't mean that separate options instead of one big premium acc is bad. But if you really intend to "make the game as much free as possible" - you should make this goodies work on whole account. By the way some servers has all of this options for whole acc, with far more cheap price. And story with exp prem is very funny too - here we must use tons of tea, while on some other serv prem includes boon which drives rest meter to full. Mounts are almost x2 times more expensive and so on.

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ADED    9
5 минут назад, camarinas сказал:

server problems still persist?

Yepp, I can enter only without using a proxy (VPNGame), ping obviously is 300+ and game is unplayable for me. When I use VPNGame - game just won't log in.

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marevan    1
43 minutes ago, goirakis said:

And again same story DDOS .... tired and sad! 23:16

Im sad too ... and now ? can't log in and we don t know when we can ... I m launching the game every minutes for nothing lol I WANT TO PLAYYYYYY !

May be we should be prepared, this story could not have end ...

Edited by marevan

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, ADED said:

Separate drop premium for each character, separate titles for each character, separate administrator's boon for each character and so on. I don't mean that separate options instead of one big premium acc is bad. But if you really intend to "make the game as much free as possible" - you should make this goodies work on whole account. By the way some servers has all of this options for whole acc, with far more cheap price. And story with exp prem is very funny too - here we must use tons of tea, while on some other serv prem includes boon which drives rest meter to full. Mounts are almost x2 times more expensive and so on.

Sorry, but those items are created this way. The game is still playable without them by the way. Some of them are also available when levelling up and in the events. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, ADED said:

Yepp, I can enter only without using a proxy (VPNGame), ping obviously is 300+ and game is unplayable for me. When I use VPNGame - game just won't log in.

As we wrote before, probably they need to work on changing the connection to our server. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
13 minutes ago, marevan said:

Im sad too ... and now ? can't log in and we don t know when we can ... I m launching the game every minutes for nothing lol I WANT TO PLAYYYYYY !

May be we should be prepared, this story could not have end ...


For now we are doing some maintenance after the heavy attack. We cannot run the server right away without working on the problem. Sorry for this inconvenience. 

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marevan    1
1 minute ago, TheAlmighty said:


For now we are doing some maintenance after the heavy attack. We cannot run the server right away without working on the problem. Sorry for this inconvenience. 

i know thank you very much, i wish you good luck ! hope you will find the way !!! i just want to speak with people because i feel alone without Aion ! We will have them !

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ADED    9
44 минуты назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

those items are created this way

Those items still can be, for example, automatically sent by mail to every character after buying premium. And after new character creation too. There is always plenty of ways to truly "make the game as much free as possible". Some servers (not java) are successfully using this kind of premium.

And "being playable" is too subjective term to be used as serious argument. PS fanatics would say that "30 fps is playable", while many other players will find it laggy and completely unplayable. Objective truth - even 0 (black screen) fps is playable, one man completed sekiro blindly. Same here. No one would want to be slower than those who using temporary shop-only title. No one would want to receive x2 less drop, and no one would want such ppl without a drop pack to be in their party (for drop-important pve). No one would want be slowed after death and so on. But what is most important of all - no one would want to spend extra cash buying same things for every twink character they playing, even when they are at the same account.

Anyway, I wish GL to this project too. Hope it will stand all of attacks and finally become playable for me.

Edited by ADED
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TheAlmighty    1,151
2 minutes ago, ADED said:

Those items still can be, for example, automatically sent by mail to every character after buying premium. And after new character creation too. There is always plenty of ways to truly "make the game as much free as possible". Some servers (not java) are successfully using this kind of premium.

And "being playable" is too subjective term to be used as serious argument. PS fanatics would say that "30 fps is playable", while many other players will find it laggy and completely unplayable. Objective truth - even 0 (black screen) fps is playable, one man completed sekiro blindly. Same here. No one would want to be slower than those who using temporary shop-only title. No one would want to receive x2 less drop, and no one would want such ppl without a drop pack to be in their party (for drop-important pve). No one would want be slowed after death and so on. But what is most important of all - no one would want to spend extra cash buying same things for every twink character they playing, even if they are at the same account.

However, no one is making you pay to access the game. No one is selling the gear, the subscription etc. All items on shop can be sent with gift.

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ADED    9
1 минуту назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

All items on shop can be sent with gift

But without donaters and voting almost all of this items will be unreachable, cuz there is no any in-game way to get them.

3 минуты назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

no one is making you pay to access the game

Yep. But this is nor a con, nor a pro. This is just business model. Server obviously needs money to exist and evolve, there is nothing to be ashamed for.

9 минут назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

No one is selling

This can be a con too. For example - Tempering Solution©. How many players reached full +5 for the years of server's life?) This game was officially built to have donate shop with TS in stock. We don't have that item here. As result - insane prices for insanely rare in-game, but very important upgrading material. 

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