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scseke    3

Our clan is also getting tired of serial lagging. If this continues, and not happening anything, i think the server gets a little teouble. Like now the tax, siege time 60% elyos 40% asmo after the gp reset. Today 7 ppl left the legion. What the hell happening... 😐

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Christof    73
2 hours ago, Virva said:

Start talking about lags, shit like this daily is annoyingAion0007.thumb.jpg.1ea767a7563eb6e5af9ff3bfdab8593a.jpg

We understand that this is ANNOYING when you're playing but the admins are working to solve this problem, it's not that simple, but if you got dc inside of some dungeon please send us the screenshot + the player's names, here you were outside, you didn't lose anything right?

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Virva    2
12 hours ago, Christof said:

We understand that this is ANNOYING when you're playing but the admins are working to solve this problem, it's not that simple, but if you got dc inside of some dungeon please send us the screenshot + the player's names, here you were outside, you didn't lose anything right?

i figured you are working on it, but speak to players about it, staying quiet will only annoy more players

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