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Any professional handicrafters around ?

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Rizella    3

Been searching for hours but i can't find anything on how to level up handicrafting past 400p. Anybody got any info about that or a guide even better ? it would be highly and extremely appreciated :(

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Christof    73
On 16/07/2022 at 9:55 PM, Rizella said:

Been searching for hours but i can't find anything on how to level up handicrafting past 400p. Anybody got any info about that or a guide even better ? it would be highly and extremely appreciated :(

Hey @Rizella, when you hit lvl 400 you won't get more quests to craft normal items, from now on you will have to craft items. You can find an npc outside the crafts room(shugo) that sells many designs of balaur items, you will have to craft them until you get lvl 500.

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Szymon    3

I'll also add that you can head to Oriel/Pernon to get to a special crafting station that uses Handicrafting Enhancement Stones.(image.png.3957032e92b2df64df07d9e879e16e8f.png)

Past 400, I always use them, especially for Balic crafts. If you're at 400, I'd start off with crafting a lot of Malevite Ingots.

Also, you can use this website ( to find recipes for the skill level you are at.

Edited by Szymon

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