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Everything posted by sophisticated

  1. problem with download

    Please, download this files and paste them into Boke Ride folder -
  2. problem with download

    Hello! Please find this file in the game folder and delete it, and then try to update again. If that doesn't help, then download the file directly from this site -
  3. Сложность временных зон

    Добрый день! Никакие изменения в сложности данжей не проводились. Уровень сложности соответствует официальной версии игры 4.6.
  4. Добрый день! Информация передана Администрации.
  5. Отключите, пожалуйста, оверлей и проверьте работу мыши.
  6. Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, включены ли у Вас какие либо оверлеи с других приложений? (Например, оверлей от дискорд)
  7. Добрый день! Информация передана Администрации. Квест будет доступен после следующего рестарта сервера. Приносим свои извинения за неудобства.
  8. Добрый день! Информация передана Администрации. Наказание выдано. Закрыто.
  9. Playing Around at the Temple not work

    Hello! The information has been forwarded to the Administration. The quest will be available after the next server restart. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  10. Cant login due to Account suspended

    Solved in direct messages. Closed.
  11. Cant login due to Account suspended

    Hello! What do you mean exactly? Please send a screenshoot and your login to me in direct messages.
  12. Hello! Creating quests that will give out ecoins is technically impossible. As for your proposed quests/instances for issuing ecoins: 1. By pink quests do you mean growth quests? If so, players will start pumping tween accounts in huge amounts to get free ecoins. 2. Your proposed number of ecoins for passing solo dungeons is 5 for one player, such dungeons for one day you can close more than a dozen. 3. 300 ecoins for essencetapping and aethertapping is also too much, because these skills can be pumped in just a few hours and they do not require the maximum level of the character. You are comparing getting 5 ecoins every day for one account with the possibility of getting at least 100 ecoins for each character on the account, which is at least 20 times more than before. Implementing such a proposal would destroy the server economy.
  13. Как только появится информация о рестарте сервера - я сообщу Вам. Простите за предоставленные неудобства.
  14. Problem creating an account

    Problem solved. Have a nice day and enjoy playing with us! Closed.
  15. Problem creating an account

    Hello! What mail provider do you use? Are you sure you specified the correct e-mail address when registering?
  16. Добрый день! Информация передана Администрации. К сожалению, этот квест иногда "ломается" и он будет доступен после следующего рестарта сервера.
  17. Thinking about starting out here

    Hello! We look forward to seeing you on our EuroAion server! We recommend you to read about gifts for new players in this topic
  18. БАН

    Добрый день! Ваш аккаунт заблокирован за нарушения правил сервера - использование сторонних чит-программ.
  19. I'm stuck under textures.

    Hello! The site has the ability to teleport your character.
  20. I bought wrong kahrun gears on my cleric

    Items sent. Have a nice day!
  21. Старт Игры

    Да, онлайн на сайте соответствует реальному онлайну на сервере.
  22. Старт Игры

    Добрый день! Онлайн сервера указан на сайте: Также всем новым игрокам выдаются подарки, более детально в этой теме - Хорошего дня и приятной игры!
  23. I bought wrong kahrun gears on my cleric

    For this follow the instructions: Throw away the wrong items and provide the screenshot. Screenshot must contain - character nickname, - ranking of ALL players or legions (abyss ranking list, NOT your OWN ranking) - server time (for this put the mouse on the small moon/sun near the navigating map). - chat on the screenshot must write: "You have discarded [the item]". (system chat) IT MUST BE ONE SCREENSHOT! DON'T CUT IT! We will also need your character name and link to the needed items in
  24. I bought wrong kahrun gears on my cleric

    Please write down your nickname.
  25. I bought wrong kahrun gears on my cleric

    Hello! Can you please tell me when the purchase was made?