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EndOfTime last won the day on July 8 2022

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Community Reputation

11 Good
  1. Snowflakes event from lvl 50

    это "ЕВРО" ион, пожалуйста, постарайтесь связаться. Не все говорят по-русски. Со своей стороны, английский не мой родной язык, но я стараюсь... Совет саппорту: померь немного в этом смысле, хорошо бы англичанам, немцам, французам, итальянцам, короче европейцам... Maybe in russian they will understand...
  2. Snowflakes event from lvl 50

    this is "EURO" aion, please try to make an effort to communicate. Not everyone speaks Russian. For my part, English is not my native language, but hey, I'm making an effort.. Advice to support: moderate a little in this sense, it would be nice for the English, Germans, French, Italians, in short the Europeans...
  3. Compensation after DDos

    we dont want compensation, we just want to play normally !
  4. I had not seen this post. I have time now because the game is once again dead... one more time... I have time now because the game is once again dead. the support intends to solve this problem before 2023??? there are plenty of private servers for information, dear support wake up!... since juny/july we are seeing the same situation It would be smart for support to consider suggestions like this The analysis is right, the solution is very intelligently thinking. +1 anxiety
  5. Server & Game are Dying

  6. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    @TheAlmighty Reset GP, the decision has been made... On the other hand, doing it now is a mistake, because many players have gone on vacation. The start will be unequal for all. And especially what about an officer player 5 who left for 15 days on vacation...? He's going to come back and be barely an officer 1 or 2 without even being warned. It would be good to set up this reset only from the end of August or the beginning of September.
  7. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    You think of new players, yes it's a fact, they bring you more money than the old ones who only need very little in the shop. I think it's great not to even take the time to do a survey. >>> WHY YOU DONT RESET TEAM RANKING TOO????! <<< Can't get this server to work for more than 2 days without crash or dc. Start with this point before you want to revolutionize the game... This post is very intelligent, announcing that the GPs are no longer to be rushed because they will be reset without giving a date. Suffice to say that the next few days the players will have no real interest in siege, kamar etc.
  8. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    instead of doing GPx3 in arena to boost siege presence, they reset GP to scare away active people. The increase in GP in siege would have had the effect of giving the most present a fair chance. remove GP arenas etc, will have the effect of seeing even more AP trade in siege, and EOB kamar snipe & dodge What about offering rewards to streamers, and ranking of the month so as not to reward the top players...? Reset GP + unstable server = best idea to see the population decrease
  9. Server & Game are Dying

    I think many have forgotten the original game in the 2010s ... Having pvp stuff was a real challenge. A full 40 elite or 50elite was a project over several months. You supposedly speak for new players. With this reasoning, we will soon give an EB weapon to all level 65 ... An officer gear 2 is 1 to 2 months to get it. For fusion classes like gladiator, ranger, it will take you longer to have a weapon like grendal or Eb than to have an abyssal gear. So it would be nice to give a EB +15 weapon as a gift too (just kidding of course) You kill the spirit of the game. To return to rank subject : @L2ro Amazing to read this from a 5* officer You did not understand the principle of rank since you are talking about noobies... The rank is a simple picture of the attendance rate. Nothing much. You are off5, you are not necessarily good, but you are an asset. Do you care about the new ones? group them and go xform to make them contribute or maybe you talk about your other characters, and therefore not in the common interest Anyway it is enough to see who is always present during the Ddos : the ranked players, not only them, but they are always present. Do a GP *reset + Ddos problem, you will see the result...
  10. Server & Game are Dying

    @Ellowain my stupid post is the sad reality. I'm not a new player, thank you for asking. You said it all yourself: You're not a pvp player, there's no need to go any further... I'm going to show some pedagogy. A rank does not mean a level of play, but attendance rate nothing more. You do a reset, you sweep away the investment of the players who are present, whether it's sunny or raining, whether there's a ddos or not If you are interested in pvp one day, you want to buy pvp stuff, and well 1 month will be enough for you. So what is the problem? "The QQ stop" I assume, do not waste your time complaining, go to your arenas etc, you will see you will wear it quickly your off2 gear A new player would probably be more impacted by having a lot of +5 jewels and +15 full jewels against him than players with ranks... Especially since players with good equipment often don't want unequipped players... Those who know pvp know that many unranked players are much better than a governor... My post by the way is called the server is dying, I didn't say the server is dead >> You want to give it a new life, upgrade to 4.7 or 4.8 with good communication, many players will come or come back. If you want to see your server live, you just have to rebalance it. Nothing more. Offer players to change races, and above all block asmos registrations. What has been done in the past for the elyos. the permanent pvp buff is counterproductive, the elyos have little interest in losing it, so in capturing the fortresses... On the other hand, keeping it in rvr is a very good thing! .
  11. Server & Game are Dying

    Resetting GP makes as much sense as resetting all player equipment... I'd rather have a 5 officer rank in front, than a 2 officer with +5 jewels the GP reset could lead to the shutdown of elyos assets in particular. the rank represents only the attendance of the player. Nothing more. Today a player +15 / jewels +5 kills a BM player in just a few blows Resetting will scare players off and that's understandable. You want a rank, get moving, and stop QQ and asking for more ease. We are far from the original spirit of aion, where everything was hard. There you are literally offered the basic BM pvp stuff, officer 2 takes a month to do. An off5 today is 2 months of intense play. Stop asking for more, and more easy play...
  12. Server & Game are Dying

    It is appreciable, the support is reactive on the forum. It is important to be noticed. This is just my opinion, but euroaion is superior to other private servers. you can be proud of your work! Regarding rewards, to be honest with you, I think it's not a good signal to send too big rewards, because it will stimulate players to attack the server. For the rebalancing measure, this would be the greatest gift to all players. We are in EuroAion, most of players like very much pvp/siege. The elyos are zerg, the asmos are bored. Really, if you find and apply a strong idea, players will be happy and easily forget Ddos Really, concentrate on this idea of reward. With good communication and action, you will wash away all the frustrations of these last months/weeks
  13. Server & Game are Dying

    I voice what many people say on the server. But few take the time to come to a forum. As far as you know, you only have a tiny fraction of player dissatisfaction Many are hoping for compensation, for my part I hope for quick action on your part. It's bad that you take lightly my message which is the reflection of a thought mainly present. the rebalancing ( see @passthesauce mess) that does not happen is very damaging .. I urge you to observe the crowds and the time people spend in the area during the siege (especially abyssal) which drops.. Server departures can open your eyes, I hope it is not too late and irreversible. Many feel that the support ignores messages and that writing is a waste of time. I really like Euroaion server that's why I wrote all this regards,
  14. Server & Game are Dying

    lol... You have in the past blocked the creation of elyos. Why not do the same for the asmos?? moreover, you speak of will, some asmos would like a transfer of an account on the elyos side... You can't give a time but the message speaks in months or even years... EVERYBODY is bored in siege... take note of that
  15. Server & Game are Dying

    How does resetting all CDs 10x in a week improve gaming experience? You speak for new players? They are such a little minority. It is important that a quick reaction is considered, in addition some players use reset scrolls whose effect is lost by the reset. I explain myself if I use an IS scroll, I reset 1 cd, if a reset takes place, all the players recover 2 cd, and the one who paid for an additional cd does not have any. So some pay for nothing. Others profit without paying. Is this normal? The consequence is even stronger for your real customers. To come back on the attack No Ddos attacks were observed in the morning Currently most players notice that resets are related to gaining GP... Server crash : IS reset >>GP Eb reset >>GP sometimes reset EOB reset >>GP Crash Siege (sometime double siege rewards) >>GP I am well aware that you try to stop Ddos attacks, you only have bad consequences. But at this time many players are starting to ask questions about the future of the server for the reasons mentioned above... it's understandable that you're protecting players from crash instances with CD reset but you're killing the whole rankings, siege interest... you may need to think about this point of view ...