Dude, on what base do you write "not really". It's obvious they are more, I've checked the online activity during siege and you can clearly see it if you are not blind or are in the league. Players like you don't care about the forts that's why you need to tell us you get rank 1 rewards easily, nobody gives a f*ck about your rewards. It's about the forts and zero chances of Asmos to take even one fort atm. It's the fault of players who don't give a f*ck about forts, like you apparently, not listening to league commands, inactive Xforms and Elyos being clearly more people. These are both big factors.
All I'm saying is remove rewards for starting an Elyos and also when signing up for an account, remove the text that says "If you don't care what side you're on choose Elyos.", if you did not do that already. Also maybe now think about some kind of asmodian rewards, because the asmodian site is slowly dying.
Below is a picture of the activity during Wednesdays siege. Don't be distracted by the time on the bottom right. I'm from Germany so the siege starts at 9pm for me.