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Everything posted by Bardarus

  1. Question : Protectorate's Fabled Key Box

    Hello, Ok so, it was really what I was doing just no luck during an hour Thanks both of you for informations, Regards.
  2. Dear all, So during the ongoing event : [Event] Lucky Snowflake! I got this item : [Event] Protectorate's Fabled Key Box 2 times. Can someone tell me what can I open with the key inside ? I remember these two boxes and their locations, but neither can be opened with the key. Box 1 Location 1 Box 2 Location 2 Thanks in advance, Regards
  3. Question : Protectorate's Fabled Key Box

    Ok thanks for the location ! So I've been there, I found many chests all around the outer & inner cercles, inside the differents rooms (like 20+) and none of them works. Here are the two keys : Gold Key (Key to the Protectorate's treasure box / Ключ к шкатулке с сокровищами Протектората ) Blue Key (Key to the Protectorate's treasure / Ключ к сокровищам Протектората ) Hope it can helps. Regards,
  4. Un soucis avec la fenêtre de dialogue

    Bravo pour la résolution
  5. Aion plugins allowed ?

    Alright ! Thanks for the replies
  6. Aion plugins allowed ?

    Dear users & staff, Simple question about this : 5. to use 3rd party software, modify game client to gget advantages in the game in not-gaming way (Shugo console, synapse, WTFast and similar are allowed). Still relevant today? Because I just found a ShugoConsole updated last year and wanted to reuse it. Thanks in advance, Regards.
  7. [FR] Nouvelle légion < Q L I M A X >

    Salutations, Je vous annonce la création d'une nouvelle légion francophone sur le serveur EuroAION. La légion se nomme < Q L I M A X > et se situe côté Elyos Les armoiries de légion ressembleront à ceci : Les maîtres mots de cette légion sont et resteront : fun, familiale, chill. Évidemment l'entraide et la bonne humeur sont également prônées ! Ici tu pourras faire du PvE comme du PvP sans prise de tête et sans try hard. L'objectif (non obligatoire) reste d'atteindre le niveau 65 et d'essayer de se stuff afin de s'organiser de sympathiques petites sorties entre nous ou entre légions. Des événements au sein de la légion auront également lieu de temps en temps. Pour le moment, nos portes sont ouvertes à toutes et tous alors n'hésitez pas ! Un discord est d'ores et déjà en place, vous pourrez l'obtenir en m'envoyant message privé (forum ou in-game, pseudo : Bardarus). Dans l'attente et l'espérance de pouvoir réunir un petit collectif sympa, je reste également disponible pour toutes questions, Amicalement,
  8. Awoo Discord Role

    It's better this way
  9. Camera and Mouse Problem

    Hi, I've got the same problem as you. Unfortunately, if I remember well, I had the same problem on the official game server for the same version of the game. I think it's more a game problem than user. Firewalls, overlays, mouses or graphic cards drivers won't change anything of the problem. I'll try to look on the french forum of Aion official game, I think (again if my memory is not bad ) I saw a topic at the time, if I find it, I will edit this post. Edit : My memory is good. I've found some old topics about that : Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 To summarize the topics above, there is no real solution, most of people who got the problem used Razer gaming mouse. But for example, I've never used Razer brand mouses, and got it too. May be it's simply as I said, the game, with "new technologie" mouses ^^. Some players said that with old old mouses they don't have the problem anymore so... let's try PS2 mouse haha. Sorry (I am disappointed too) Regards
  10. Shop items

    Hey, May be looking for that ? [Emotion Card] Play the Saxophone Regards.