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Posts posted by Haku

  1. 4 hours ago, Densetzu said:

    there is sth like training arena :0 why all pvp players don't face each other there? i thought there are many pvp players on this server why waiting 1 day for 1 ticket when you can do multiple training arenas? players always were dodging and using rats for jmr/kamar/iww its part of retail aion why should admins change that ? 


    Several people do, but you always end up meeting the same 10-12 people over and over again bcs nobody else is up for it w/o rewards (1v1, 3v3 and 6v6).

    The point still stands, why have the possibility to apply for a pvp instance if you don't intend to pvp or only want to pick easy fights.

  2. 3 hours ago, Kamai said:

    or hide ranking from the website and just show it at the last day of season

    The traders will just trade even more rampantly to ensure season reward.

    Atm it feels very funny having any sort of monthly reward for the "top pvp players" as it's just rewards for whoever dodges/feeds themselves the most, but I also agree with Khana - if they remove rewards it'll probably kill the last semblance of pvp left on this server. Idk any good solution either, it's a massive player mentality issue at this point. Can't join a lfg group for anything bcs 90% of them are dodging first couple of entries "just to be on the safe side" - absolutely ridiculous. It shouldn't be possible to apply for pvp instances if one does not actually want to play the game. Just log out then.

  3. @Christof It sounds like you're not aware, but as NancyFox writes several times in discord there seems to be some internal discussion/work on this already:

    "We are working on a solution to this problem. We hope to fix this soon." https://discord.com/channels/416536675989323776/486932129800781825/825624117150482443

    "Many people ask to make sure that the entrance to the arena cannot be refused. My personal opinion is that the introduction of this function will lead to the fact that players will be more serious about submitting applications to the arena." https://discord.com/channels/416536675989323776/486932129800781825/825651774341775380

    "This problem cannot be fixed in 2 days, sorry. Our programmers try to do their best. However, on the PTS client, the changes made are minimal and they must be made very carefully so as not to damage the system and not make even more mistakes.
    We hope for your patience and understanding." https://discord.com/channels/416536675989323776/486932129800781825/833599750128795668

    As Argothon linked above, the topic has been brought up several times with several different suggestions for how to fix it. Being instantly ported inside is probably the best solution (if you have to go afk you have to cancel queue) since people will be forced to fight if they want their entry's worth, but other servers have also implemented getting the arena ticket refunded if no opponents. This wouldn't fix the issue in 6v6 and 12v12, though.

  4. It's true the ladder exacerbates the problem, but the GP reset has made it a lot worse and it now also extends to 6v6 and 12v12 where it didn't use to be as much of a problem, so removing ladder won't really do much at this point. Dodging was also a problem on retail - I had quite a few times where enemies would leave arena after seeing my group and there were complaints in the official forums from other groups who had the same issue. Or when you could see opponent names at the start of 6v6 some groups would apply with a burner character that would check if the entry was "safe" and the rest would not enter if they didn't think they could win.

    Tldr; as long as there are loopholes, people will abuse the system.

    Ladder is nice because it promotes a bit of competition, but atm that competition is more about whether you didn't get dodged or not which is just silly. Arguably, if you remove the pvp ladder the only ranking will be the abyss rank which will not help anyone (rank tryhards will still dodge, ladder tryhards might quit since there are almost no good fights to be had anyway).

    Screenshot attached from discipline yesterday btw :)


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  5. On 24/03/2021 at 3:40 AM, See said:

    What time does it start?

    We have different time in Korea.

    Any info on this?
    Other questions:

    - Is it best of 3 or is it just 1 match per team matchup?

    - "Any accessories higher than Blood Marks" does this apply to pvp accessories only, or also defensive accessories like crafted, sauro or hyperion?

  6. yes ofc, though runa with kunax was also not that pvp friendly (you can almost afk until kunax spawns and then just full burst it and win) it's generally preferable to camp flips, items, bombs and npcs.

    but still, we could have the best pvp instances ever but most players on euroaion don't want to go there for some reason, and a big percentage of those who do want to go would dodge opponents they don't want to fight.

  7. 5 hours ago, Dessy said:

    Some new pvp content like golden arena , pvp dungeons and so on would be great already 

    I know there's no work with java script i think more pvp content would be already great 

    Doing gear feels.. well for what ? Some PvE dredgions? 

    I love 4.6 but i miss pvp content 


    More pvp instances would be great, but these would be empty/plagued by dodgers too. The lack of pvp is a player mentality problem, not a patch problem.

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  8. Quote

    What will happen to the time-limited items, will they get removed? - no, we will prolong the timing for all temporary items.

    Does this also go for arena tickets? I was sitting on 8 discipline tickets as I hadn't had time to go in a while, but the time on all of those will have run out by next friday.


    ...we will try to implement a range of changes for a better gameplay.

    Are you finally fixing the pvp instance dodging issues? :D

  9. You can run kkm comfortably as asmo these days to gear if you don't fancy looking for an eb/swb premade. Atm ow pvp is not the worst, but pvp instances are kinda... in any sort of arena you risk getting dodged for w/e reason, and in tdred & eob/jmr there aren't that many static groups (but I suppose that's alright for a solo player).

    Pve wise there's tons of people doing basically everything so you shouldn't have problems there either.

  10. 10 hours ago, Admin said:

    Everyone can fight to become the best PvP player in every category! The whole month is ahead! Show what you can! Let every player on the server to know your nickname!

    This will not be true until you fix the dodging problems currently plaguing all pvp instances.
    Atm one can only hope one will 1) get opponents at all, 2) that those opponents will stay inside the instance, and, in the luxury of both conditions 1 and 2 being met; 3) that they will actually fight.
    In the case of arenas, one additionally has to hope that 4) the opponents will not leave before the arena starts (effectively wasting tickets as this gives no points), or 5) (in the case of 3v3) that the opponents will not "punish" the winning team with only 1 or 2 players leaving (rewarding as little as 0.001 points).
    A thread on this topic was opened 2 months ago, and the problem has only become worse since then. Please fix your pvp instance system.

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  11. But as I said there are already more elyos than asmodians in open world and in faction based pvp instances, despite elyos not having forts lately.

    The point is, the admins can do very little about elyos siege participation. If elyos don't want to join sieges it's a player mentality problem and not an administration problem.

  12. Don't forget the online number also counts lower lvls. It's indeed not healthy for the server that it's so unbalanced in terms of siege for a long time (due to gearing), but nobody can force other people to go siege. There's plenty of people who play actively but don't need/like/want/whatever siege so they skip. If you look at open world pvp there's always plenty more elyos than asmodians and elyos have longer queues for faction based pvp instances, indicating that there are more elyos than asmodians on the server.

  13. @TheAlmighty any chance we could get some sort of fix for this? Atm many players have the problem that they have to pray to get enemies at all (not someone applying and passing to waste other people's tickets), or that the opponents don't quit to waste tickets once you are inside. With one (1) 1v1 and one (1) 3v3 per day, it's incredibly frustrating not being able to find opponents who play because they all calculate for ladder or ingame rewards and don't actually apply for pvp.

    If it would be possible to get some fix for instant wins in jmr/eob too that would be great.

  14. Thread necro 1 month later, could we please get some sort of fix to this, or at least some sort of response? Almost all pvp instances are a giant headache rn because of all the dodging tactics involved with ladder and it only seems like it's getting worse with each season.

  15. If you are several low-geared players wanting to go to instances together, why don't you just make the group yourself? This also goes if you're a solo player and you for whatever reason aren't getting invited to other people's groups.

    Playing a MMO does not mean you're entitled to people's time and help. You are not entitled to an invite just because you apply to a group. Applying to someone else's group also more or less means you submit yourself to whatever sort of group they want to make and their roll right rules, gear expectations etc. If you want to be in a group w/o gear check and you cannot find one, make it yourself.

    On elyos side there are a few legions focusing on doing things together and helping eachother gear up, most likely it's the same on asmo side. That ofc means you are also expected to help others. Perhaps look one of those legions up if you are interested in spending your time in this manner?

    • Like 1

  16. 7 hours ago, Iubita said:

    This server is PvPvE like retail, not PvE since there are arenas/pvp instances, but they are once per day. Once you complete those, there's nothing left to do. I can do 3v3, 1v1, 12vs12, 6v6 everyday ONCE and 24vs24 in weekend twice. That's it. Dredgion is PvE since nobody goes in there to PvP, everyone rushes to the boss.

    I cannot stress this enough. Another thing is you might get unlucky and either get afkers or not even enemies at all (people applying and then tabbing out/going afk and forgetting about it or people dodging on purpose) and then you have no second shot at it. Making some changes to the dredgion to make it more pvp focused could perhaps work out, but at that point one might as well work on adding battlegrounds (:

    Also worth mentioning, retail (at least eu) had 2 entries of both kamar (12v12) and jmr/eob (6v6).

  17. On 04/09/2020 at 11:07 AM, Angrry said:

    I don't see any difference in Hyperion damage after 3.8 K. Although perhaps the reason is in the features of the class. Dear Haku, could you refer to the data source, to make it clear to me that this is about Magic Suppression, not Resist



    While this is datamined from 5.3, you will see there are several versions of each boss in the spreadsheet. As far as I remember those were the numbers cited back in 4.x too, but unfortunately the old gf forums have been purged several times and I can't find the posts anymore so I cannot verify that for you.

    If you feel like that's wrong though you could always just test with 1 skill over and over again and see your dmg results (noncrits ofc) with more or less mb. I haven't tested in game so :D

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