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Windy last won the day on December 18 2021

Windy had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

41 Excellent

    clearly a cheater, is he banned already? you cannot move like that with skills that keep u stationairy, hes not jumpshooting or slideshooting, hes using a cheat that lets him move and use skills that would stop him from running, also attack speed is not normal.
  2. Ranked PVE ladder

    Please no.
  3. Suggestions: Godstones,Xform

    Good idea if you want 75% of players to quit. Altho I would agree with the godstones.
  4. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Hello, is it intended that the Snowman & Cookie form candies are missing in the shop this year? I remember last year you added them with the Snowflake Event but this year I can't find them. Could you please add them again at least for 2 weeks? Elyos and Asmo versions can be found on this website. Thank you! Also made a topic here:
  5. Hello, is it intended that the Snowman & Cookie form candies are missing in the shop this year? I remember last year you added them with the Snowflake Event but this year I can't find them. Could you please add them again at least for 2 weeks? Elyos and Asmo versions can be found on this website. Thank you!
  6. He took me out of the group without any explanation.

    This Juggernautabuser guy is mentally ill. Just block such people.
  7. Playing here since the server opened and the droprate on this event is the worst I have ever seen. Why you have to nerf every event so bad destroying the game slowly?
  8. Wow, nice PVE Heroes, how about you learn to PVP instead? oO
  9. [Works] Summer breeze

    Faction: Elyos Nickname: Kean
  10. Incentivize players

    Sieges can't be fun every day, it depends on what the players are doing, if they try a serious attack or not. I think it's working fine since years and see no reason to change it.

    Going without a premade group and complaining about waste of time LOL
  12. Incentivize players

    Changing sieges at all is a bad idea, they are working fine since over 4 years here. The change for Tiamarantas Eye would be good though.
  13. Harassment on SWB

    you come to a premade swb alliance, try to steal the augment and cry about harassment? you deserve it! womp womp
  14. Nationalism in the legion's heraldry

    Bringing politics into games, the desperation. Legion should be banned
  15. New Skins
