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Everything posted by Subby

  1. Scum in Sauro

    What exactly do you want them to do? NCSoft never once gave me items back from a ninja who stole my loot when I ran instances, yet you want them to give you loot from some random that stole it from you. Welcome to the world of MMOs my friend, most GMs don't get involved with stuff like this unless you were scammed out of an item. In this case - you weren't scammed out of an item, you allowed a random into your group and that random used the need instead of greed option. You aren't going to find a server on this planet that is going to do what you want done.
  2. stuck below the ground

    Go here
  3. constant falling bug without any exit aid Go here and do this.
  4. <Trandila's Eggs> Quest Bug

    You could also set up a macro and keep spamming it around the area /target Trandila It's been so long since I made macros in Aion i believe that /target is the correct one.
  5. <Trandila's Eggs> Quest Bug

    Have you tried changing channels? I think her spawn time is 1-4 hours.
  6. download of the slow luncher

    Was having the same issue not sure of the issue with that.
  7. Server restart

    No idea, hopefully one of the ones in these racks.
  8. Server restart

    Starting to look promising.
  9. Server restart

    I can't believe how badly they destroyed official Aion... They didn't learn their lesson from destroying Lineage 2 either.
  10. No XP boost

    Double XP is handled server side, not via repose. You were getting double xp.
  11. Server restart

    This is normal to see at all datacenters, no need to worry.
  12. Aion patch version

    Where's the fun and excitement in that though? Nothing more exciting than managing to socket that final manastone knowing that you may lose everything if you fail.
  13. Server unavailable (10/03)

    Yes I know, I've worked in a datacenter. The fire suppression systems are not meant to fail. Whether that is a Halon or newer CAS (clean agent system). Most of these places don't pay 40k for even the most basic system to have them fail. Someone definitely dropped the ball here. My guess, and this is just a guess is that they were using the bare minimum system, no Halon, no Evac setup. Maybe this incident will force them to upgrade to a better one. Especially when your datacenter hosts millions of sites. At minimum they should have had an FM200 suppression system with a backup evac system to clear the room of all oxygen, without oxygen fires cannot breath and the FM200 system is non conductive to electricity which means that it wouldn't have destroyed the servers. The datacenter I worked in was owned by the US Military, so, it did have top of the line million dollar suppression systems.
  14. Server unavailable (10/03)

    I'm still baffled at how their anti-fire system failed. Those things almost never "fail" without help anyway.
  15. Aion patch version

    I'd love to see an old school 2.5 server. Before gunners and aethertechs.
  16. Server unavailable (10/03)

    I kinda like the idea and challenge of losing all of your stones if you fail. Reminds me of lineage 2 when OEing a weapon.
  17. Server unavailable (10/03)

    Someone in this thread was talking about move to 5.8, hell no. As you stated everything after 4.6 killed the game. I'd like to see a 2.5 server, myself.
  18. Server unavailable (10/03)

    3x xp and or drop rates would be a good event to consider.
  19. Server unavailable (10/03)

    As someone who has worked in a data center... WHY did this one not have a fire suppression system in place?!?! Why didn't they have a Halon system in place? That fire would have been out in seconds. This datacenter dropped the ball here.
  20. PVP buff for elios side

    Dude... seriously. How long have you played Aion? Gear doesn't help much in PVP, it's all about the skill of the player. Also a 10% buff doesn't add much additional damage. If someone is hitting you for 1000, that's only 100 additional damage. In short, less QQ more pew pew. Even shorter, learn 2 play.
  21. Assassin and candy

    I can't speak on anything after 2.5, I quit playing after that. Returned to official after almost 9 years to find out how bad they screwed it up and then found EuroAion. I haven't had a chance to play Gunner or Sin on 4.6.
  22. Assassin and candy

    They were even more imbalanced before the 2.5 patch. There was a time you could keep your target stun locked after the first ambush, you didn't even need to evade or worry about stun wearing off. If you can ever find his video, look up ambushlol dude was the best assassin on NA servers.
  23. Assassin and candy

    Sins haven't been relevant since like 2.5. NC nerfed them so bad that every sin rerolled.
  24. You can gift it to other players, so I would think that it could be done. Just make sure it's not Asmodian or Elyos only.
  25. Scum in Sauro

    In what world does 79 beat 80? That dude is an idiot.