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Sentry last won the day on July 29 2022

Sentry had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

29 Excellent
  1. Reportar

    Calabozos y Mazmorras, no falla. PD:
  2. Wings Exchange Event

    There are people who have been playing this game for years and have not been able to get the wings. It doesn't matter that it is an exclusive event, the Padmaraska weapon is also obtained with this event and is perfectly tradable, the wings should be too.
  3. Offensive Legion Name

  4. Missing skill effects

    Very very thanks man! Your method has worked for me!
  5. Missing skill effects

    I have exactly the same problem.
  6. Asmo and elyos

  7. Consume ticket with arena pass

    That would be doing things right... how many times has the administration made a change that is to improve the game experience? NEVER.
  8. [Event] Save the Harvest!

    Good advice, let me give one to you, accepting mistakes helps you improve. We all wanted Shugos and they put on the worst event I remember since 2020.
  9. Shop items

    Why did you tell me it wasn't possible and now it is?
  10. Adjustment to Make Server More Interesting

    It's a nice idea but the reality is that most of the people, the same ones that forced the removal of HP from the pvp arenas, would connect double accounts and get the rewards without having to pvp.
  11. [Event] Can you get our paws?!

    Will the event items disappear after the 18th?
  12. bullying

    This is bullying? Go to play SM...
  13. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    Every major change you make to the game only serves to destroy it a little more.
  14. OUTLAWS - Legión de habla hispana

    No, la única legión de habla hispana que queda es Ositos en bragas.
  15. Snowflakes event from lvl 50

    " Snowflakes from +1 to +10 are NOT tradeable! ATTENTION! The snowflakes can only be transfered within the account. Exchange and trade for them is not available. After 2 weeks from the event all the snowflakes will melt down and disappear from your inventories! Hurry up to open them all! "