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Posts posted by Ellowain

  1. 39 minutes ago, Upset said:

    They cannot explain everything in game. It's not a bug tho or some special feature

    btw if you have any troubles in game you can ask in /3

    Want to give props to Upset for giving an answer (roll + all members pass then invite to sell). 

    I think if the helper said "I don't know how this works, let me ask around and get back to you on it" there wouldn't be a problem, right? But jumping to the conclusion and calling the player a liar is what got things heated in the very first place. I don't think any of us expect Helpers/Admin to know everything in game, but nobody likes getting called a liar/cheater/idiot as the first response. 

  2. "And then you start to trashtalk with helper?" - It looks like the helper started the trash talk by replying " Are you trying to fool us? Its a very bad idea"

    The admin of this server are often quick to blame the community and call their players stupid and liars. Tickets, this forum, and the discord channels are all full of helpers/admin mouthing off at players. Then players get blocked/silenced when they give back the same attitude in return. :/


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  3. Hey, remember when Elyos had forts for maybe a month a year ago and Admin freaked out and shut down Elyos registration for a month? 

    Remember how that happened THREE times? 


    And today we have...


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  4. Why are whispers special treatment vs all other chat? 

    This racist hopped from one account to another account to whisper racist garbage. A ban won't stop that. Just start giving a small 24-chat ban or something to deter this crap. 

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  5. Patch update? Like, one new person asks about that every 3 months or so. The GP question comes up almost every other day.

    Everybody wants a GP reset. It worked so well last time that the GP event mirrored the popularity of snowballs. But again, it really doesn't matter because Admin is dead these days. His server is currently #1, so why should he care about any of our opinions?  

    So, even though a GP reset is the bet thing this server could see- we are all wasting our time discussing it further. K thx Bai. 

  6. Citation: People keep asking for a GP reset/scaling. Search the forum for every time this is brought up. 

    And the last time they did a GP scaled reset + PvP event, it was great for the server. End of story. 


    But you see, Admin doesn't care. Admin doesn't care how hardcore you, Admin doesn't care how loyal you are to log in and earn your little fake GP points, Admin doesn't  care that you rearrange your life each and every night around this game- Admin doesn't care.


  7. Because who don't play every day for two years (aka people with a job) can actually donate money?

    Because resetting GP dumps out players who just bought accounts and can't keep up with the daily grind, but still hold insane amounts of GP to skew the server GP rates?

    Because a GP reset in the past brought a frenzy of new players and brought back old players who feel motivation to compete in a more level playing field (aka, more money for server)?


    Wake up, Admin.

  8. Ever wonder why we can't keep new people on this game? Here's a great example. Not banning for hate mail and whispers is so lazy and stupid on admin. Banning one account will just cause the bully to jump to an alt or create an alt, over and over. Server needs new players to stay alive and active, the server doesn't require crazy ppl that drive new players away.

    And did you know that the Admin/Helpers permanently IP BAN players on the EuroAion discord for insulting them (Admin/Helpers)? This is a double standard, don't you think?   

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  9. Hey Christof, 

    I hear you loud and clear on the proc rate items (I do make kinah this way:), but what Cowbell means is the essencetapping/aethertapping level cap, specifically. Is there any way to allow the cap to be shifted from 499 to 510? It will not affect the proc rate, but will simply reduce the fail rate so that we crafters can gather the mats we need in this patch for crafting things like sets or armor, rather than just rings/rods/belts. 

    I know game edits are possible here (ie. the mounts and the fortuneer lv cap to join), would admin consider this edit as well? 

    EDIT: If it's impossible to raise the gather level cap, then it's impossible. I just want to be sure we are talking about the same thing; gathering level cap and not crafting level cap.

    Either way, thanks for at least answering. Lately I feel like the gods are dead here. lol.

  10. Agreed. This server is extremely mats limited. On other servers you can find lv499 items on broker, but here that's impossible. Cratfers can't gather 3000+ lv499 items to proc the high level items.

    MMOs are created to be a community game where you must rely on other players to run things like SWB and craft- no one can play an MMO solo. But crafters on this server are screwed because patch will never update and give us a higher gathering level.

    This game needs crafters (running scrolls and potions don't magically come from trees), so could you do us a favor? Everybody wins.


    If it's not possible- can you at least answer here? I saw the question ignored on discord. With so many Admin+helpers, that's pretty sad.

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  11. Agreed. We all know that spring/summer is the dead season.

    I've never understood why admin doesn't even attempt to address this issue and have back to back events for March-June. Even if the events are not great- like Tia's eye, Chests in Danaria - OR just make a new "event" like let double drop last for one week or increase Sauro/TF entries by 1 for a week...god, anything would help more than the nothing we currently have going. Anything is better than nothing. 

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  12. Please don't skip Boiling Point Event this year? https://forum.euroaion.com/topic/1484-event-boiling-point/?tab=comments#comment-5571

    I know last year this time was the server fire, so we got the special phoenix event, but mostly is was just commander card event (which happened 3 times in 2021). This one is great bc you can trade and sell the event items (unlike the hearts) and prizes are Tempering Solutions (ofc all players love), BUT this was the only event that gives Sauro Commander's Accessory Box AND EVEN Tradeable Socketing Boxes (which are now very expensive because of the eCoin <> kinah inflation rate but ALL players need for rare composite manastones). 

    So I kindly ask, please consider not skipping this event this year.  

  13. 4 minutes ago, NancyFox said:

    The bulk of our players are Europeans, no matter how much you would like to think otherwise. You claim that we have the most expensive store of all the projects you played on. I answered you that I saw projects where the game store was much more expensive than ours and that our store is very loyal to the players. Do you want everything in the play store to be free? I'll disappoint you - it doesn't happen. If you don’t want to buy something in it, don’t buy it, no one is forcing you. 
    You still haven't answered my question regarding those very projects. It is necessary to operate in comparison with the facts. In the meantime, we have only your vague statements, which means misinformation, not confirmed by anything other than your words.
    As for the fact that the Administration of the project thinks with a wallet, I give you a warning. To start. Watch your words. I, like the game store, are more than loyal at the moment. For some reason .... Probably, because I don’t think with a wallet.

    The irony of this all written in Russian is lost on some?

    LFG is more and more Cyrillic recently. Look at this forum, then come tell me the majority of recent posts- are they German? French? English? Nope. They are Russian. Including this one. (Thanks chrome translate) When I started last year, you were correct about EU majority. But now, it seems like most European players are leaving. I don't know why... I can remember when there many ENG legions and even German, French, Spanish legion. . . now, just a couple ENG and the rest Russian posting recruit everyday. No hate, still love EA, but let's just be honest here about the population trends as of late. 

    And European payment methods don't-freaking-work. I know you guys got screwed over by Paypal, but "EuroAion" has no "Euro payment" methods. Again, I don't blame admin, its not admins fault, but its a huge disadvantage that exists for us Euro players.

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  14. When Ely had majority players and had the lead, Admin shut down Ely registration for weeks. They did this at least twice, maybe three times. Check the forum.

    When asmo had the lead for MONTHS, admin just said- But there are more Ely players. So it's a "perfect balance" Just work harder. These comments about perfect balance are still in forum. You can find easily.

    Now Asmo has a majority of players AND has the lead? Admin says "No, We are too scared to lose our asmo players."

    The last time Ely legions "organized and united the race", as you put it, Admin closed our registration for weeks, over and over..... As soon as ELY get the lead for just a few weeks- ELY registration is quickly closed. Why should players try to organize and unite and work harder.... when admin bans one side only? x))

    I hope they think of something. ecoin inflation is already out of control, prices are too high for new players, top players swap AP, so its hard to get started on this server and stay.....and now other servers attack with DDOS. Situation doesn't look good for EuroAion. 

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  15. If you have been playing for a year and use a drop boost for the first time- you will instantly see the results. Maybe not with RNG items because the chances are not fixed- but if you farm strange ide you can count and easily see this change very during 1 hour of farming. You won't see big change in Sauro/IO - like playing the lotto and chances are too small. 

    For EXP boost, players will often count the EXP per monster before the exp buff and then after the exp buff (like in BT). Give that a try, or ask a fellow player in your party "I got 825,000 from that enemy, what did you get"? Try that and come back. 

    If not, this complaint is too vague, wasting your time and Admin's time.

  16. But this goes outside current rules, doesn't it? 2 clients and 2 accounts are allowed, but four of them? I though that was against the rules. 

    And lately this has been going on so badly it borders on straight up chinese gold farming. Each corner is taken everyday by the same people running 4 clients with 4 accounts. Are we allowed to run 4 clients at the same time?