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Everything posted by ldfilip

  1. Can you add this 2 skin in shop?

    I remember that these skins were dropped by a non-elite named ghost-mob in Brusthonin...
  2. Nice idea, i wouldn´t mind the mane removal and maybe some hairstyles as well...
  3. Many high levels don't care of lower levels.

    Most of the low lv stuff are soloable or doable with other low lvls...so why do you even trying to bother high lv ppl? They simply dont care and have no reason to help...
  4. What a fuzz... get a starter gear or stick to solo stuff. You could have full hyp set by this time instead of qq-ing. But anyway, you (rather?) didnt mention what gear you have, since no one wants you in instances. That explains a lot...
  5. Problrm with Panda candies.

    You can buy original ones from broker, everyone will be more than happy to get rid of them
  6. Maintenance 11.09

    Also, it seems that the new candies are transparent, no annoying panda form. Which is the best possible update
  7. Bm gear is the easiest to get as starting gear for instances. If someone dont even bother to get that, dont wonder that ppl ask... No one likes freeloaders.
  8. RACISM at this Server!

    U probably take it too personaly....jerks allways were and allways will be, same as racism. But in general, the server is in english, in universal language, you can blame the educational system that only europeans speak more than one language and ppl who barely speak one cant comprehend it. So unless you cant send cancer via game mail, you should stay cool and use the block function
  9. Steelrose resetscrolls

    Better idea....let´s shut down the whole server for the duration of the event... nothing for everyone!
  10. Shop items

    Hello, another idea for an awesome wings skin, Skafir's Wing Feather [item: 187000072]
  11. Best titles outside of cash shop

    I´m using "Fenris´s Fang" title... which is relatively easy to obtain.
  12. Shop items

    Hello everyone, I have noticed the Kunax skin at the eshop, which is from higher version of the game. Can I assume, that it is possible to add some other higher version skins? Like the Marchutan Protector´s set in particular? It is an awesome skin and I would sell a kidney for it [item: 110551255] [item: 113501834] [item: 112501751] [item: 111501815] [item: 114501842] [item: 115001881]