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Everything posted by ldfilip

  1. will you ever change gametime?

    Think twice before you reply...maybe thrice.
  2. will you ever change gametime?

    It is better this way... sieges are not that late and normal people can participate too.
  3. pvp buff

    No. But one possible solution might be if all forts are taken by balaurs when reset, like heart fortresses in Tiamaranta...
  4. pvp buff

    No one is forcing asmos to take every goddamn fort they can...
  5. Ruiner

    Why do you even bother by posting this when you dont include any printcreen of it? Who cares anyway. People are not nice, thats life. Deal with it.
  6. Ban he

    Why would anyone exploit low lv mobs? The player will eventually level up plus they drop craps O_o
  7. Zorr asmo scammer

    Yea I agree. These bastards pop up every single event
  8. Juzz - Asmo - Offensive Chat

    Ah jesus, ppl get buthurt by everything these days (facepalm).... oops, i said jesus with small "j" and "ah", that sound were surely doing nazis as well.... guess im done here for good
  9. racism

    This is not getting anywhere, you have your own world it seems.... Anyway, you apparently forgot to add any printscreens of the grief you seem to feel, entertain us.
  10. racism

    Umm....uhh...okay, whatever that mean? No wonder the whole world is bad at you, poor soul
  11. racism

    And? Is an international server, so expect using an internation language in mixed groups and don´t be a prima donna.
  12. bard or sorc?

  13. WTT MB plume (+5) for Attack (+5)

    Closed, thank you.
  14. WTT MB plume (+5) for Attack (+5)

    Hello, I would like to trade my MB plume (+5) for Attack (+5), asmo side
  15. shop pay credit card

    I posted in 2 topics, but the amount of "bought" ecoins (150) probably wasn´t worth of effort.
  16. shop pay credit card

    So, when u want to pay, everyone cares, but when u paid already and did not get ecoins, then, no one cares....cool.
  17. E Coins Payment.

    Hello, I would like to ask, I bought ECoins multiple times today, everything was fine except of the very last transaction (Method 1 - 150 ECoins only) for which I did not recieve ECoins yet. Can it get delayed or is there any way how to check whether the transaction was ok?
  18. dred afk

    There is nothing wrong in doing dred and going afk. If you want a proper run, make a proper group and don´t apply to randoms/quick grps. I bet you would not bitch about it in the forum if the afk-pleayers were of the oposite faction
  19. Remove entry item from Katalamize

    YES! Remove the entry item...and give us full hyperion´s set in a survey. Who needs challenges.
  20. Reporting someone for transphobia

    I see you are not able to read between lines.... What I basically said was, that it´s only your stupidity when you say such private things to a bunch of imature randoms. What would be next, card number and PIN cos some retard in game seemed to be trustworthy? Really, you can say whatever you wish, just keep in mind possible consequences.
  21. Reporting someone for transphobia

    First of all, why the need to tell anything to anyone? You can be anything you want, even a spiderman and it´s no ones business. It´s a game, not a dating site... moreover, people, in general, are stupid animals. You should treat them with that in mind, unless proved otherwise (yes yes, there are ppl who get offended by these words, and?) Secondly, there´s no need to use discord or any other communication tools if it´s causing you troubles, ppl mostly use it for legion/close circle runs or for dumbasses who need to be guided. And even if someone is behaving like idiot, block them and that´s it. People are letting out various shits out of their wordholes in lfg that im pretty sure that something about transgender would stay unnoticed.
  22. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    It was a general tip for unlucky people. Anyone can get what they want if they work for it. And I´m glad you noticed that I included you in the "dumbass community" (an unexpected bonus)
  23. Can't advance to expert alchemy

    You have to do all tests-quests in order to increase proficiency, not just one. It´s a chain quest.
  24. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    There is an easy solution for everyone who is not lucky enough in snowflakes opening.... sell them. In few days you will be awfully rich and you can buy what you wanted If you dont have enough alts to get reasonable amount of snowflakes, make more alts instead of crying on forum. With all the amulets and weekend buffs you can make tons of alts in no time. Life can be easy when you have something in head...
  25. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Hello, thank you for the nice event, was waiting for hyperion gear for ages Just want to ask, do the hyperion boxes have selectible rewards, class specific or just totally random?