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Everything posted by ldfilip

  1. Maintenance 22.04.2022

    Not sure when exactly it was added to the store, but thank you very much for the Daevanion set skins, You are the best
  2. Shop items

    Awesome, another set in the store no one was asking for...
  3. Pvp of the poor: PATETIC

    You know, some of the players might have friends, or legion mates, or whatever, and if you kill their low lv friend, you might get stomped to the ground. I´m pretty sure you would do the same if you had friends, or legion mates, or whatever. Or high lv alt if you are not a friendly type
  4. Cheat of Gunneur

    Thank you
  5. Cheat of Gunneur

    Most probably not, they are already dead
  6. Shop items

    I am sure lots of people would appreaciate unbinding stones [item: 165050001] https://aioncodex.com/us/item/165050001/ This item is from a version of the game higher than ours. There is no need for it.
  7. Report Swearing

    I allways say sorry when I attack others mobs, but getting ban for saying "fck you"? The server would be empty by now... Also. how else would you reply to kinah spammers
  8. Hello, I have noticed a bug with the mentioned Nishaka´s shield from Rentus base. After tunning, it is not getting bonus stats, only extra manaslot (tested +- 20 times). This is happening for couple of months and I am sure it was working properly before (cos I got shield with awesome stats before).
  9. Hello, that is really weird. Can be that my character is bugged in some way? Because I have tuned lots of shields...
  10. why they get no aggro from npcs?

    They keep killing you with that one skill? Are you running there naked? @_@
  11. elyos or asmo - where to start

    Play asmo, cos... elys... just look at them O_O
  12. Theo - Asmodian - Trying sell account

    The hell is this? When i saw the Roadkill´s post for the first time i was thinking he´s overdoing it with qq´s but now, when i see your reply, the guy should be definitely banned. Along with you! Unfortunately, every human has the right to be an idiot, so you are lucky...
  13. Changes in game

    They are available in game, not like Marchutan protector´s skins for example
  14. Cant update the client

    Ye, can we get some step-by-step guide how to do it, please?... How on earth do someone download a torrent client and check files in pc with it? O_O It allways wants to download whole aion again...
  15. More evidence report about Asmo bot gunner

    Why do you care about him so much? Did he kill you while u were afk or what? We could use some bots on the server anyway... On offi servers they were farming mobs no one cared about and supplied all kinds of material at broker no one would ever bother to farm, even when need it.
  16. What are we doing about players like this?

    According to the modern law, every human being has right to be an idiot. And you can´t do anything about it. PS: Yes, I have some personal experience with ppl from "Korea" legion too. Most of them are well geared and... that´s pretty much all the positive I can find. Just add the desired/undesired legion names into your memo pad and move on.
  17. Maintenance 29.06

    Why so surprised? Every event get nerfed few days after the start, everytime.
  18. Expand your inventory

    Maximum you can have in game is 126 slots (14 rows in total). No idea how to unlock the 15th one, probably is not implemented in this version...
  19. Own character creation preset

    I see, thank you for your answer
  20. Just an idea from the higher version, I do not know if it might be possible to implement such function in here but... there was an option to save a preset in character creation and then just load it when creating another one to make it look the same. Such option would be nice and would spent lots of time when deleting and remaking ugly looking characters
  21. New mount in the future?

    Hmm, the minicars would be cool
  22. Own character creation preset

    I know it´s there, I was asking about some option so save a preset of one of my chars, name it let´s say "own" and then apply it on future chars. In the presets you showed, there are only few tabs with given presets, that can not be changed/deleted and so... I was basically talking about transfering certain appearance from one char to another via preset. Or maybe some of my game files are corrupted and I dont have such option there...
  23. Own character creation preset

    Hello, I did not find such option, how do I apply the appearance when creating anothe character? Where are the presets saved?
  24. Own character creation preset

    Oh and the option to remove "mane" as well...