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  1. abyss accessories

    Who should I write to about this then?
  2. abyss accessories

    Hey guys, I've been on hiatus for a while but plan to come back. I have a problem because before my break I spent AP points and ceranium medals on a pvp necklace, but due to fatigue I bought a magic one and not a physical one:< would it be possible to exchange it for the right one or return the AP/ceranium medals? below I'm posting a screenshot with the name of the character and the item, magic stats are underlined in parentheses
  3. Asarrow -cheater

    hello, recently I hit the PVP premade bridges with an Asarrow player, everything would be okay if it wasn't for the fact that my team died too soon. Interested in this, I checked the DPS PVP on ARM and the players' skills and the time they needed to use new skills. It was the most interesting thing with this gentleman, whom I do not greet personally. Is it possible to use a skill ---> auto attack ---> skill in a second and so every now and then ^ ^ answer yourself;>
  4. CryEngine Error

    niestety dalej ten sam błąd wyskakuje
  5. CryEngine Error

    witam, Moja znajoma po ostatniej awarii serwera próbowała uruchomić grę i od tego czasu wyświetla się u niej komunikat z błędem. DOdam tylko tyle ze jeszcze tydzien temu gra działała bez problemu. Direx. Microsoft Visual C++ i NET Framework zaaktualizowany jest do najnowszej wersji i dalej błąd wystepuje. Poniżej załączam screena z błedem, będe wdzięczny za pomoc w rozwiązaniu tego problemu.