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Everything posted by Feuroaion

  1. Turns out that was the issue. Not actually a bug. I'd resolve the thread but it looks like you can't edit your posts here.
  2. Quest name : Making a new start Quest level : 16 Step : "Get the rings from Mumu Lu [...] and Mumu Di, and take them to Nerhel" Area : Altgard - Mumu Village Issue : Mumu Zoo and Mumu Di seem to be missing. They both drop the Love Ring required to complete the quest. Quest thus seems impossible to complete for now. Additional notes : - Using the Locate function on available monsters like Mumu Lu works properly - Using the Locate function on either Mumu Lu or Mumu Di will display the error "Unable to locate <name>". - Issue encountered on all three channels - Mumu Ring seems to be missing as well, but since Mumu Ang is present, it doesn't prevent the player from acquiring the Jealousy Ring Suggested severity : minor. Only affects completionists like myself.
  3. Ah, looks like it's time sensitive. I'll have to check at nighttime then. Thanks for the info.