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  1. Turns out that was the issue. Not actually a bug. I'd resolve the thread but it looks like you can't edit your posts here.
  2. Ah, looks like it's time sensitive. I'll have to check at nighttime then. Thanks for the info.
  3. Quest name : Making a new start Quest level : 16 Step : "Get the rings from Mumu Lu [...] and Mumu Di, and take them to Nerhel" Area : Altgard - Mumu Village Issue : Mumu Zoo and Mumu Di seem to be missing. They both drop the Love Ring required to complete the quest. Quest thus seems impossible to complete for now. Additional notes : - Using the Locate function on available monsters like Mumu Lu works properly - Using the Locate function on either Mumu Lu or Mumu Di will display the error "Unable to locate <name>". - Issue encountered on all three channels - Mumu Ring seems to be missing as well, but since Mumu Ang is present, it doesn't prevent the player from acquiring the Jealousy Ring Suggested severity : minor. Only affects completionists like myself.