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Everything posted by Cosy

  1. 4.6 Cleric Gearing Guide (PvE/PvP)

    The aspirine link is wrong btw, you took the chanter's parry set
  2. 4.6 Cleric Gearing Guide (PvE/PvP)

    You may have 6 block difference, it's only +13 but you have more block when it's +0-10. with enchant : Better to get these 400 hp ithan +6 in block
  3. 4.6 Cleric Gearing Guide (PvE/PvP)

    Hi, good work, it will help a lot of clerics ! I agree on most of your points except for these two : I don't think it's worth to start with the socketing of the BM gear with MR and then Block. It's a waste of resources and without the sunayaka hairpin/mythical accessories the mr is gonna be too low to be useful. => better to directly socket the BM gear in block. (I would agree with you if the cleric has good friends for getting him a hairpin and buying the chanter gear for mr socketing) For the block set : The shield gives silence/paralyse penetration and not resistance so it's not a must-have to get a 2star shield. Personally, I prefered the r1 shield rather than the star 2 one because it's ez to enhance (+13) and +400HP. It's up to ppl if they prefer 400 HP or 0.2% pvp defence.
  4. Is it worth to try server again ?

    European doesn't have korean phone number so they can be banned at any moment... The game is abandoned as Sentry said, not worse to try ATM. Here are the reasons : - If you are playing ely = no siege => no fortress => no reward for the pvp gear and if you are playing asmo => siege won't be fun either and you will met ely with 10%-15% pvp buff - PvE can be fun for a little while - PvP instance aren't worse : half of the time at least, you will meet no one inside / no pvp in terath dredge / it's random for eob, you can get some fun if you are lucky / kamar and dd24 are ok if you arrange pvp with an ennemy team.
  5. It's not 4.8, you are talking about 5.x. Katalam wasn't bad but not a real end-game map, only ungeared ppl really need these maps. In 4.8 you have eob*2 / kamar*2/runatorium/pangea; We lost katalam but we get more interesting pvp instance/content and class balance. In 4.6, ranger/chanter and bard are shit.
  6. Purchased accounts

    Euroaion is a private server....This server isn't even legal you know right ?
  7. Don't make the same mistake as GF

    Yes you cried and asmo left one or two fortress at least when ely didn't have a mass problem but only missed a leader. But ely side is quiet egocentric rn and can't even give up a fortress to motivate ppl. Now you are the domiant side good for you. But don't cry later when the serv will turn to 70 - 30 . Personnaly, i don't care about ceranium and others stuff, but it's kinda sad to see so many asmo going ely.
  8. 1/3 of the asmo ranking is selling account. Ppl are quiting. One or two months ago, we were more than 2k players during siege time. It's not crying when we are asking admins to do something. Maybe as a casual player you won't see the difference. But if you appreciate pvp, you will see this side dying.
  9. now it's 55% ely vs 45% Are you braindead ? watch your mouth. You are playing ely so it's ez for you, stay blind, thx.
  10. Add pvp kills in the TOP players

    And what about people who are feeding each others in arena of glory or chaos ? It's also a non sense.... And not punishing people we are giving up their entry ?
  11. Pvp

    hi, no
  12. So it's healthier to make people pay for such things like 30 days title or 400e coins for reskin/rename tickets....why ? And don't say people aren't force to buy title, it's something necessary in pvp. About ecoins, people don't need 5k ecoins, 1k or 2k are enough if more ppl can get them. Moreover, about the staff, why can't you recruit more people for your team ? I saw Antonio and you complaning about the amont of work.
  13. We should try at least. About eob and kamar, where is the 2nd CD like retail ? We are still waiting .... We appreciate the game but it's boring sometimes, we don't have enough pvp and even if it's a private serv, we have the feeling that the staff don't really want to satisfy players ... If it's too hard, hire ppl in your team, you can't keep the same staff number for 500 to 2k players ! Why players has to be impacted when it's a management problem ?