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Everything posted by Elouisa

  1. Earlier I mad a thread about me not being able to get the quests 'Reaching Out' following into '[Spy] Elim of Elysa' Turns out Lorando does not give out quests he is supposed to give out at all. Could the quest 'Reaching out' be added to my character manually?
  2. [spy] elim of elysea

  3. [spy] elim of elysea

    This topic is about both the quests 'reaching out' and '[spy] elim of elysea' not appearing to me. Even though I have done all the quests to unlock these 2. I should alse be the required level for these quests (25). Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  4. [spy] elim of elysea

    I am not getting a quest from Lorando and I have not done it as well (doesnt show up in my completed quest list). I have completed Petrifing Elim and A Sorrowful Message as well. Neither the quest Reaching out nor Elim of Elysea are showing up. Not even when talking to Lorando.