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Posts posted by TheAlmighty

  1. 7 hours ago, Kromede said:

    Can you add items from higher versions or no ?



    Theoretically, it is possible. But it will suggest updating the client to the higher versions. Taking in view several language of the client it will be problematic (to find all localization packs of the corresponding version). 

    On the start there won't be new items for sure. Later everything will depend on the server growth

  2. 2 hours ago, marocan22 said:

    so if i have the gold aion client i download only luncher?


    You can now keep the client. When the launcher is released, you will need to update the client with it. In case there are some errors, you'll have to re-download some of the folders. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Amagami said:

    Hi there.

    I've a question about past votes on mmotop for GoldAion.

    So i have ~600 Gcoins and want to know is it possible to transfer them into ECoins?



    Transfer is not possible. Nothing can be transfered to the new server,  as it will cause unequal release for the players. 

  4. Support our project in the Aion TOPs

    Our server participates in almost every possible ranking of Aion servers, including the most popular rating of online games in the CIS, which is MmoTop. In spite of the fact that our server is set in Europe, we have chosen this top list as the main. This is based on the understanding that massive driving up of the votes is possible in the other rankings.

    We cannot get to the higher positions in the TOP without your help!

    SMS voting DOES NOT provide coins 
    (we aren't interested in your investments for MmoTop).

    When voting it's necessary to provide ACCOUNT NAME (not character nickname).
    Votes cheat is prohibited and is punished with ban on all accounts.



    As it was mentioned earlier, we participate in other TOPs, but there's no reward for voting in them.
    However, if you do want our project to develop successfully, support us!

    Links for voting for us in the other TOPs:

    • Like 2

  5. 18 minutes ago, Shiro said:

    Hello! Can't wait for the opening! :D 1 thing I would like to say, but it's just my opinion. I think x2 rates would be the best, so both types of players, those who want to enjoy the game without leveling fast, and those who doesn't want to spend an eternity leveling, would be pleased. I think x2 rates is the most balanced and satisfying for both camps. What do you think? 


    On this server we want to give players the opportunity to get through the whole story as it was created by the developers of the game. This will keep the balance to the most possible extent as well. And we all know that the faster players can reach the top, the faster they "finish" the game. We still to appreciate your interest and suggestions and will take a note of it for our project and works on the game. Thank you. 

    • Like 1

  6. 14 hours ago, Ziffa said:

    I didn't see any topic regardless if we need to download the new client or we can use the old one and patch it trought new launcher.


    Also links to download client from launcher or Torrent doesn't work (probably intentional)


    Also little fix inside shop are needed such item list bar (shrink it)

    And add at what level you can use each item,especially boosts.



    Can you add more skins inside shop?

    Ninja outfit and other good loking weapon skins are missing


    In our game shop we have the items corresponding to the version of the client. There are no items from the higher versions and they won't be added, in the nearest future for sure.


  7. 34 minutes ago, Selionor said:

    Are you sure?

    On the Gold Aion forum the admin said, that it will be necessary to download a completely new client of Euro Aion to start playing. He mensioned, that it is not possible to update the Gold Aion client with the Euro Aion launcher.

    King Regards


    It will be possible to update the existing client with our launcher, it is just always better to download the client from scratch in order to evade technical issues. 


    • Like 2

  8. 1 час назад, Fish сказал:

    Hey guys,
    Im really glad this server is about to open and im even more excited that's so soon.
    Im only worrying about certain items in Item Shop like Assured Greater Felicious Socketing boxes or Armor/Accesory/Weapon Wrapping scrolls...especially eternal ones... but I guess you know what you're doing putting those into item shop. I was just worrying about economy bcuz as i remember when those items appeared in Gold Aion, some ppl started selling those and running with 9-6kkk kinah after 2-4 days <_<

    But since these items will be here from the very beginning, i guess it maybe will be different.

    Regards :D:x


    We will still have these items on this server, but now from the start, so they won't cause same problems :)

    • Thanks 1

  9. Dear players!
    We are now at the latest stage of the works on the server and everything connected to it.
    Links to our pages in social media will be added later (in the nearest days). The client will be available a bit later.

    We are aware about the problems in the translation of some languages and will fix them soon. If you are a  native speaker of French, Spanish, Italian, German and would like to help us, please, leave a note in this topic.

    We weren't able to find language packs for Italian and Spanish client. If you have localization files for these languages of 4.6 (or at least 4.7, 4.8, 4.9) version, please, contact us and we will add them into the client!

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