Hello dear players! Changes concerning the sieges of Hearts and Tiamaranta's Eye were made today.   1. The chance of dropping the keys for the Protectorate's Treasure Box has been increased in Tiamaranta's Eye. The chance to get it from ordinary monsters in the location was increased by 2 times! 2. The reward for the siege of Hearts was changed. The reward for capturing Hearts now is an "Alluring Box". You will receive one box for every Heart captured. It will randomly drop 1 item With a big chance:  "Mithril medal" 1 Pcs Or with a smaller chance you can get 1 item: "Ceramium medal" 1 Pcs; Or "Enchantment stone Lv. 120 " 1 Pcs.    So, now from one box, you can get one of these items!  [Service/Daily] A Masquerade of Peace
[Service/Daily] In the Eye of Chaos
[Service/Daily] Banishing the Shade-Touched
[Service/Daily] Snuff Out the Light Reward for the above quests: [Service/Weekly/Group] Crack Drak, Bring Ring
[Service/Weekly/Group] Legionary's Ring Reward for the above quests: We hope that these small changes will raise your interest in the siege Hearts and in the location of Tiamaranta's Eye in general. Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!