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    so dont use candy geez, sin is the most op char on this patch so idk why u cry so bad over candy - cant use it? sell it.
  2. Remove entry item from Katalamize

    1. That would be so great, bcs i just cant farm it in ug - so many ely/asmo or gunners with stk speed cheat. I wont pay 1kk/600k per one piece lol 2. Bro they wont do that - its against their "retail like policy". But yeah removing it would be so great (after 82 kata runs no full set or even weapon :3) 3. To farm spot ppl buy drop rate buff so putting <strange ide crystal> and <strange ide shard> to shop would not hurt that much but as i said in 2. - they will not
  3. Payment issues

    Well im stopping donating till u bring normal payment methods
  4. Wings lvl 65?

    Rune Shield Tower/ Illuminary Obelisk Katalamize/ Infinity Shard and silverine quest ones if u need wings asap
  5. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Bro im not even loggin in for this event anymore after 300 snowflakes i got 2 godstones (root and 1%dmg xD). Maybe we have 8 flakes per char but if rates will be still retail like people will just make more chars to farm event not to stay in this game #facts
  6. Wings lvl 65?

  7. Is this as good as it seems?

    its kinda abadoned now in terms of pvp - for pve it doesnt matter.
  8. bard or sorc?

    Hi, which one is better for solo pvp play? On this patch bard still has silence in chain and sorc can cover silence in 1 second but self healing and dispel are appealing too.... Thx for all replies.
  9. since assasin with bm gear can kill anyone (in 2star gear)so yall kinda dont need that candy anyway (its still better post than assasins crying that they are out of range)
  10. Balance of Races

    asmos stopped attending sieges cos leading was/is crap + most of siege leaders dont know basic english words x) yes "return" does not have same meaning like "back" (not You Lyue asmos love You and your normal leading) but mostly asmos dont listen to commands which is another issue (exapmle: siege in divine fort where asmos ware hitting dux and ely ware healing him XD). You said 4 weeks - now map is almost green for like one/two months. Even UG farming spots are occupied by ely. Sometimes i see asmo there but they rather afk in Katalam And because of those faction dramas many asmos went ely so its it's just a matter of time before they take over katalam/reshanta. But w8 they already did so whatever. Its not problem to me since i almost got full set but new ppl coming asmo seeing all forts taken are probably like "well lets go ely it will be easier to get gear or find party".
  11. Annoying Panda Candy

    useful but ugly #facepalm
  12. Double Account

    Maxwell literally uses noanimation hacks - ill record this later but he kills me with pistols in 2 seconds ;D
  13. changing faction ticket ?

    there isnt but its great idea tho.
  14. Teleport hack/no animation?

    my fav part tho i love that ppl report other players bcs they are just better than them lmao
  15. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    lmao are you serious? stop thinking only about yourself - what about ppl who started playing and dont have kinnah/gear? not everyone got got gear/xforms/alliance to farm them boxes. And its not stupid - not everyne wants to group for this event (ofc asmo side cant cos ely got alliance for this event ) As DevWolkx said solo players cant compete or they will be zerged. Why boxes can't be placed all over danaria? More places to fight for