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Everything posted by Raidon

  1. А какой финальный РБ в Форте Тиамат?
  2. Ищем Русскоязычный Легион

    Привет. Ты играешь за Элийцев?
  3. EuroAion

    Since you can make hundreds of millions of kinah every week at end game, you can't call it P2W. 100% socketing aids are 30kk each which is extremely cheap. Wrapping scrolls are only useful for Kahrun's gear and BM gear. Kahrun's gear isn't OP or anything. BM gear is also a very low end gear that takes no time to farm on your own. You don't need to buy Yasba's every month. Just get a mansion for 115kk and you don't have to worry about soul sickness. Title I can kinda agree. Buying one each month is annoying. They should add single time purchase with no time limit. Not sure how can you consider mount "OP" since having one doesn't really give you an advantage. Besides, you can get mounts in-game from instances or via crafting. Candies and other drop rate boosts? Really? Why do you even care about those? They don't give any advantage. The only advantage that I can think of is when entire group has got 100% drop boost on weekends in Sauro to farm it non stop for accessories. It is more profitable to just sell Ecoins rather than buying 100% drop pack and farming Strange ID Crystals non stop.
  4. Too much elyos

    Asmos are already overgeared with all the ceras they've been getting from sieges and forts etc. I don't see a problem here.
  5. Rift Schedule
  6. Change Legion Emblem to Custom

    You need lvl 5 legion for custom emblem.
  7. [Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure

    I got 2 serums on a single character already.
  8. Anybody succeeded to craft an extendable?

    There is an Elyos templar named Encore, hes got Katalium extendable greatsword. Ask him.
  9. Templar Stigmas and Gears

    Depends on what you want to be and where. Both PvP and PvE have different builds for DPS and tanking.
  10. Extendables + Wrapping

    this is exactly my point....
  11. Extendables + Wrapping

    And it also gives people with billions of kinah a chance to buy extends directly.
  12. Extendables + Wrapping

    Those are totally different scrolls. There are 2 types - Wrapping scrolls and mail passes. There are no mail passes on this server because they would add huge P2W element.
  13. Ow, I also wanted to know that. Thanks for bringing that up @mezmer and @TheAlmighty for answering.
  14. Can devs clear something up for me - How is drop percentage calculated with weekend boost+100% drop rate from premium? If on weekdays drop rate is 100%, on weekends 200%, does that mean another 100% adds it to 300% or doubles it to 400%? Because 100% of 200% is another 200%.
  15. Ok. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
  16. Hello Which coins are we talking about? The only coins that matter are Platinum Coins and Ancient Coins. Everything else is meaningless. Only LvL50+ Alchemy and Cooking recipes matter. Everything else is just stuff that you sell to NPC. Yes. Crafting is extremely useful and important at end game. Most valuable professions are Alchemy and Cooking. You need Magic Boost and Magical Accuracy manastones for bard.
  17. ChocoLand открывает набор

    Привет. Конечно, напишите Gostrade, Ashur или Totimirka. Примем вас.
  18. Shugo Tomb Event

    This is true. When I joined in late January, we barely had 700 people at peak times, now we constantly have 1.6k - 1.8k online, and over 2k over during peak times. Many people would love to have decent drop from Shugo instance rather than running around South Katalam, collecting some useless pieces of garbage.
  19. What witch craft are you doing to put Rosenimbus into account warehouse? As far as I know, there hasn't been a single mount that you can put into account warehouse. Only exception is when its in the box.

    Classes are exactly like on retail 4.6. Gunners, bards and SMs are still mad OP in PvP. You better run if you see any of them. Sins are viable if you have stable 40 or less ping and skill to play that class. Gladis, templars and dps chanters absolutely require extendables for PvP, but those are extremely hard to get on this server. Many have them already from previous events, so you will struggle to get them. Ping is stable. My ping here is perfectly stable, staying around 44-47 (Living in Ireland). Never had issues with it. All end game instances are fully functional without any issues or bugs (Unless you count Sauro 1K bug on last boss that existed on retail).
  21. Shugo Tomb Event

    Kinda weird after we had 2 Beritra Treasure events since last Shugo Emperial Tomb event. Same for "Collect 2 pieces of X to make Y" aka Valentine hearts and Rabbit paws events.
  22. Templar stances

    Stances only with when you have shield equipped.
  23. I'm also using EXITLag,but it works fine for me.
  24. Это можно сделать другими способами. Ходить за внешками на РБ куда идут 50 людей - такое себе занятие. Многие даже время тратить на это не будут. Лучше бы добавили больше воды и компотов.
  25. Да ёлы палы, вас в шекелях утопят за внешки Манорна. Просто добавьте их в шоп.