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Kromede last won the day on September 9 2019

Kromede had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

34 Excellent


About Kromede

  • Birthday 01/22/1997

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1,353 profile views
  1. Can you add items from higher versions or no ?
  2. I got money because Tiamat skins are literally the best looking sets in the game to me.
  3. exp rate of server

    Those 12 hours will be amazing
  4. Welcome to EuroAion!

    Thank you guys for staying true to Aion
  5. Legion Recruitment

    What will your in game name be ?
  6. Legion Recruitment

    Sweet what will your in game name be ?
  7. Welcome to EuroAion!

    Love the profile picture !
  8. Fire Temple Guide

    The Fire Temple map along with all bosses and what they drop. 1.) Lava Gatneri – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Flame & Fire Temple armor sets for hands & feet + Fabled Weapon Chest. 2.) Blue Crystal Molgat – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Flame & Fire Temple armor sets for hands & feet 3.) Silver Blade Rotan – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Flame chest for chain & cloth, Rotan Circlet for Magic, Rotan Ring for physical classes. 3.) Broken Wing Kutisen – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Fire & Flame armor sets for chest & legs + Kutisen Earrings for Physical, Kutisen Tears for Magic classes. 4.) Tough Sipus – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Sipus Shield, Sipus' leather belt & Sipus' sash for Physical and Magic classes. 5.) Black Smoke Asparn – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Flame & Fire armor sets for shoulder's & Fabled Weapon Chest. 6.) Flame Branch Flavi – The Fire Temple Boss Drops Flame & Fire temple armor sets for chest & Legs 7.) Kromede the Corrupt – The Fire Temple Last Boss Drops Fire & Flame Helmets for armor set, Fabled Kromede Weapons, Heroic Judge weapons, Kromede's necklace & Kromede's Courage necklace for both magic & physical classes, stone of silence. 8.) Vile Judge Kromede – The Fire Temple Last Boss alternative Drops Fabled Kromede Weapons, Heroic Judge weapons, Kromede's necklace & Kromede's Courage necklace for both magic & physical classes, stone of silence.
  9. What are your preferred Dual Wields ?
  10. Big Bug

    You know I'm kidding
  11. Welcome to EuroAion!

    You guys are the best!
  12. Legion Recruitment

    I'm making a legion for the asmo side of the new server called Messengers Of Death if you wanna join just let me know down below!
  13. Big Bug

    Hey make I gotta big bug it wont let me install the launcher
  14. exp rate of server

    It's more of a retail like version so to speak and I think it's fine with 1x drop rates and xp. They already give you OP starter gear that will boost you to near if not end game.